Allow setting a "Default view" for the Initiatives prioritization list
What is the challenge? It is currently not possible to set a default view for the Initiatives prioritization page, unlike the corresponding features and ideas pages. What is the impact? It is harder for users to collaborate on initiative prioritiz...
Maria Plotkina
5 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Wrap text for initiative names in initiative chart
What is the challenge? The initiative chart is hard to use when initiatives have long titles. What is the impact? Difficult to select and interact with initiatives. see the attached image as an example of the problem. Describe your idea. We would ...
Joe Granville
6 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Allow Custom Worksheets to filter out archived records
What is the challenge? Filtering out Archived data from current data What is the impact? Impacts custom worksheets and reporting Describe your idea make the "Initiative Archived" value reportable so that it can be filtered in custom worksheets Cur...
Chris Vellucci
6 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Products often have more than 1 initiative to support goals. What is the impact? Teams don't receive clear consistent direction on prioritized initiatives Describe your idea Add the ability to Rank initiatives such that the ...
Penny Gerstner
7 months ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Section that describes a market or market environment
What is the challenge? Documentation general market information is missing. What is the impact? Missing a dedicated place under Strategy --> Market, leads to the fact that this type of information will be somehow captured in separate documents ...
Steffen S
8 months ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Have option to exclude initiatives with archived timeframes from parent initiative progress
What is the challenge? If you have a parent line initiative and have its progress set to calculate from child initiatives, the calculation currently includes child initiatives with archived timeframes. What is the impact? There are scenarios where...
Maria Plotkina
9 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
What is the challenge? the risks management report does not allow me to delete records from the view. link: What is the impact? Describe your idea Hi - I am looking for a way to a...
9 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Need template to plan/define/capture Metrics for my product
What is the challenge? no template to work on metrics How would you solve it? new template What impact would it make? defining metrics ahead of the product lifecycle helps us monitor our progress
Who would benefit? Organisations who use the OKR framework What impact would it make? Connect strategy from corporate level, through teams and to individuals. Connect the corporate red thread of strategy to the personal 'what's in it for me'. Help...
Steve Dagless
10 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration