Support the context of a sub-goal at the Company, Product Line or Product Level
Normally when setting a corporate strategy, the Corporate goals have sub-goals that are a little more down to earth and digestible. These sub-goals give all areas of the business, IT, product development anchors to have a common understanding and ...
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
The strategy section captures a lot of good information, but it would be great to also capture tracking around an MVP.
Something like:
MVP Iteration #, Hypotheses, Results, Date
Dan B
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Add area to configure and enter Customer information
Looking for a good place to add customer information including things like a business plan, products and product features using, as well as, those interested in.
It would be great if it appeared as a tab under Strategy --> Overview and had th...
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
competitors : add custom dimensions to be used on matrix
I need custom fields in competitors, just the dame way as it works for features.
Also, I want to be able to use them in the matrix as filters.
As an example, I might want to setup different competition strength depending on the country we operate.
Jean-Baptiste Théard
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Collect feedback from user/ buyer interview's that impacts features or product line, so you can link it? this will add emotional experience into product a bit more.
James Murray
over 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
It would be nice to easily show a tiered pricing structure when analyzing competitor pricing. This could either be a table or screenshot, either way a NOTES field would work better than a TEXT field.
over 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Provide a roll-up view of features mapped to lower level Initiatives
This should be available anywhere where Initiatives roll-up to other initiatives. Without this I don't see any real utility in having initiatives linked. This seems to really kill a major value proposition.
over 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
What is the challenge? Products often have more than 1 initiative to support goals. What is the impact? Teams don't receive clear consistent direction on prioritized initiatives Describe your idea Add the ability to Rank initiatives such that the ...
Penny Gerstner
8 months ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Section that describes a market or market environment
What is the challenge? Documentation general market information is missing. What is the impact? Missing a dedicated place under Strategy --> Market, leads to the fact that this type of information will be somehow captured in separate documents ...
Steffen S
9 months ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Need template to plan/define/capture Metrics for my product
What is the challenge? no template to work on metrics How would you solve it? new template What impact would it make? defining metrics ahead of the product lifecycle helps us monitor our progress