As a Product Manager, I want the ability to show stakeholders a more robust roadmap so that I can show project plans at the epic/initiative level. Currently, this level of detail exists at the release level however, initiatives/epics often span re...
about 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Label quadrants on goal and initiative charts (according to their value)
I would love to have the quadrants of each chart labeled (Sure things, big bets, quick wins, do not do) so it is easier to communicate what we are looking.
about 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Our business is continuing to evolve our product management process and have introduced Empathy Mapping to augment the personas to gain a better understanding of our clients problems and what we are trying to solve for. It would be helpful to have...
Steve Podzamsky
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
The workspace needs a more permanent architecture planning section. The functions within notes section are very helpful but are attached to features and releases, which tend to be transient in nature. An architecture workspace would be mor...
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Have the Strategy --> Initiative screen map out the initiatives based on the Aha Scores of the features underneath it.
Currently the Strategy --> Initiative screen is totally manual. You just drag and drop initiatives to where you think they should go in terms of value and estimates and it totally does not take into account the value and effort estimates that a...
almost 9 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Time Frame for Goals should be propagated to Initiatives
If I have a Goal, with several initiatives, and the goal is slated for Q22016, then, by association, the Initiatives would also be planned for Q22016. It does not make a lot of sense (and it is just extra work) to have to then go in and find all I...
almost 9 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Allow us to add more sections for segment analysis and partner management
I love the new feature to create strategic models. The template for a segment profile looks great. But we really need to be able to create more sections like competitors. I have a list of segments and I want to profile them all (tag metrics like #...
Ryan Thiessen
over 6 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Sometimes when viewing a child product, there isn't a need to create new strategy elements for that product specifically, but it would be helpful to know that an item (Vision, for example) exists in a parent product and be able to quickly navigate...
almost 7 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement