At the moment you can move initiatives and features to different products, but not goals. You can even clone a release from one product to another.
However you can't move a goal from one product to another. This is a pain when restructuring a larg...
We have a need to have a global ranking among our initiatives across products & product lines. Today there is no good way in Aha! to have a forced ranking among the portfolio initiatives. Sorting initiatives based on e.g. score doesn't help ei...
Marcus Gadré
about 8 years ago
in Strategy
The primary sort for the initiatives on the roadmap is by start date. There is no available configuration for the secondary sort, it is hard coded to be alphabetical. I would like to show a different secondary sort (ie by product to show product l...
Initiatives - custom status fields and status color
Is it possible to edit/change/create new statuses for the Initiative Status? Right now the values are Achieved, On Track, Some Progress, At Risk, Abandoned and Not Started. We would like to use different values and colors.
Suzanne Vaughan
almost 10 years ago
in Strategy
Put the current product at the top of every Initiatives and Goals pick list to save users lots of time
Currently, when you open the initiatives picker, it just shows all initiatives grouped by workspace, with those workspaces being in alphabetical order. This is a a hassle because I would almost always want to link to an initiative within the works...
Initiatives prioritization should show archived record if it has the right filters
What is the challenge? Initiatives with archived timeframes are being hidden from view As a result, my initiatives prioritization view is incomplete. How would you solve it? Initiatives with archived timeframes should show in the list What impact ...
Enable the ability to add a strategic roadmap to dashboard
Strategic Roadmaps are a really useful tool in communicating to stakeholders the trajectory and status of initiatives and the teams that those initiatives are dependent on to deliver succesfully. However I want to on 1 page show metrics like RAG s...
Andrew Brooks
about 4 years ago
in Strategy
Who would benefit? Everyone tracking OKRs in Aha! Roadmaps What impact would it make? Make it easier to make large changes at scale How should it work? Allow bulk updates for the following key result fields: Status Assigned to Objective Add watche...
Nathaniel Collum
10 months ago
in Strategy
What is the challenge? The strategic model form has been amended so information can be added to a text box instead of opening a side panel, but this text box is so buggy... When I click and drag on the text box to highlight text the text box goes ...
I would like to be able to add custom fields to initiatives. Potential uses are assigning ownership of specific initiatives or setting dates for planned start and finish. We have multiple products with interdependent initiatives. I would realy lik...