Strategic Initiative workflow view does not save settings
I’ve added customized settings for the initiative cards in the new strategic initiative workflow view. The settings keep returning to the default. The settings should be saved as part of my profile and I shouldn't have to keep entering them.
over 2 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Ability to keep an initiative or goal from being used
Need ability to keep initiatives and goals accessible for reporting - especially as we cross over years; but, need to keep folks from using them. It seems if we keep them from using them we can report on them which is the problem we are needing to...
Karie Kelly
over 2 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Calculate initiative progress by release remaining estimate
This is similar to this idea We use the following hierarchy Initiative Release Feature Requirements It is possible to calculate Feature and Release progress using the remaining estimate from the Requirements...
Dale Crane
over 2 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Expand view when clicking into a related model within a record
I would like the ability to see a visual preview of a model that is linked to existing records (example positioning model that is linked to an initiative). Currently when clinking into the the related model from the initiative record, it does not ...
Juliette K
almost 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
When you are in an Inititive window, and select Add in the Releases section, you can add that various releases. If you look at the Release, it shows that it "Belongs to" the Initiative. But, there's no way to create the same releationship from the...
Aldon C
over 3 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Allow roll-up initiatives (Programs) to be created in the same workspace as subordinate initiatives (Projects)
I sometimes need to track multiple "Project" level initiatives that are part of a larger corporate "Program" level initiative. (Note: we also use "Product" level initiatives for work that does not cross lines of business) Although the projects are...
Brian Hemker
over 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
We are doing business planning for next year. We are using the Strategy section to describe our major concepts via canvases. It would be great to be able to link the epics that are associated with those canvases.
over 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Inherited personas are very useful, but if I edit them in my Product workspace, this edits the entire record and affects other spaces. I would like to be able to edit the inherited persona in a way that makes the challenges that they face relevant...
over 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration