Maybe the 3- circle icon could have text "(max 7)" and the 3-square icon could have "(max 9)" on it? Alternatively, change the icons to have 7-circles and 9-squares. Or do both of these. HTH
Configure columns for features and master features on goals and initiatives view
We are reporting goals and initiatives directly from the views by adding to presentation.
We would like to have an ability to configure and add other columns to feature name and status columns.
We specifically want to add external release date.
Kote Khutsishvili
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
When creating reports, initiatives can be shown based on the order they appear in Strategy > Initiatives and this can carry through to reports which is great if you prioritize the initiatives and want to convey that in your reports.
However, ...
Melanie Shedd
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
API to retrieve content added in strategic business models
The strategic business model contains detailed information about the project and its value proposition. It would be really useful if this could be extracted with an API call.
adding option of "check list" for any canvas created
My team and I would benefit greatly from having the option to add a checklist that doesn't strike through the items as we list them out in a canvas. it would be nice to highlight what aspects we have and whiche ones we are missing and having the c...
Expose Strategic Model Components for Pivot Reporting
When creating a pivot report across a number of products the Strategic Model components are not available from the object list. My use case is that I would like to consuct a review of the assembled components across a number of products within a p...
Paul Dickie
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Initiatives: Clicking "press enter to add new" brings you to detail screen for first initiative
When creating your first initiative, if you choose to either press "enter" or click on the "click here to add another" link you get sent to the detail of the first initiative (detail slider comes out). You should get a new box to create a second i...
Initiatives misaligned when using "create initiative" button
When adding initiatives using the "create initiative" button, the last initiative added will be indented. Then, if you click on any other initiative to bring out the detail slider, that initiative will be indented.
Tested 3 times on Chrome Browse...
Let an initiative have prefix-## as items/epics have as well.
In our organization, people quickly adopted the prefix-## scheme when talking about items, ideas or epics. They are more easy to memorize than titles that might change over time. This is missing for initiatives, especially when copying the link wh...
Christoph Zehentner
over 6 years ago
in Strategy
Firstly, thanks very much for all the improvements on models. I provided some input to these changes, and we started using them the day they were released. Thanks again.
Small improvement - Make the space on the left collapsible where the list of...
Ed Fullman
almost 7 years ago
in Strategy