Quickly create features when viewing an initiative
As part of a top-down appoach to mapping products, it would be a great time-saver to be able to create features from the Strategy -> Initiatives view, when the Initiative overview popup is visible. It is possible already to create to-do's that ...
The Strategy Diagram as it is now can get visually busy very fast. Although you can see sub-trees by mousing over, it would be very useful to make these filters that can be used to peel the diagram and place them into notebooks.
Although one can expand a goal to find a "handle" to move it up and down the list of goals, I have found it a bit cumbersome and often have to try multiple times to get it to work. Would help if could more easily re-arrange, perhaps by having a ha...
I have a large number of competitors listed in my strategy area, but unless I drag the list items (not practical given the number in there) I can't sort them (other than exporting and re-importing, which is not a good solution). This makes the lis...
Chris Taylor
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Cursor jumps to beginning of line, when typing in textareas
Not sure, if this has begun only recently in general or is only a problem in the strategy views I have just used (Positioning template -> Description field of various components): Often, when I have typed in a textarea input today, the text cur...
Strategic Positioning Read Only Information Sections
It would be great if we could have the ability to have an info/read-only section/component in strategic positions/models that are used for instructions, etc. but do not allow for data entry/editing.
Dave Scaglione
about 3 years ago
in Strategy
Competitor Pricing field needs to allow text formatting & file attachment
Pricing field is currently treated as a simple single line entry and can't be used to explain complex pricing models or attachment of pricing schedules for reference.
The recent news field is just a notes type field. this does not work very well for tracking multiple news instances for a competitor over time. we currently repurposed the comments tab to track instances when a competitor is in the news. this work...
Joe Granville
over 4 years ago
in Strategy
Option to change the order in the "containing goals" field
In the goals details, you can visualize the containing goals, however is not ordered by workspace name. It will be really useful to let the user order by workspace name so all the goals in a workspace are sort of group when reading.