S-curve view of nested sales volume for time in market for products
This would be a way to crunch sales numbers to provide insight into development cycles and release/delivery timing. It assumes a company has numbers for its sales to give a clue how marketing worked (or didn't).
It fundamentally is nested sine wa...
almost 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Product Line Goals Effort derivation from underlying Product Goals
The default chart shows the Effort/Investment for Product Line Goals. This is updated manually. But if there are multiple Product Goals that roll-up to the overarching Product Line Goal, it would help if the overall effort for the Product Line goa...
Amol Naik
almost 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
With Initiatives, yo are able to add/remove whether the initiative appears on the chart or not. We need the same for goals please.
When a goal has been completed, it stays on the chart and clutters the chart with items no longer relevant to curren...
Project Parker
over 6 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration