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Showing 186

Ignore ranking of completed / archived initiatives

Completed and archived (using the Time frame field) initiatives still seem to 'maintain' their rank for reporting purposes and can cause confusion when creating new initiatives and trying to view initiatives by rank in a dashboard / external repor...
Max O. almost 2 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Allow customization of Release info in new Drawer layouts

Currently, Releases that are linked to Initiatives have a fixed field layout (Release name, Pending epics, Completed epics, & Status) I would like to have the ability to change the columns that are displayed. The epic columns end up being less...
Aldon C over 4 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Strategy Model Templates - Allow text to be editable (not just tooltip)

For the strategy model, while tooltips are helpful, we also use it to enter text and modify it within the areas. For instance, we include all options of a persona and they select from the list by deleting the others.
Kayleigh Anzalone over 4 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Include "Assigned to" record in Inititives card customization

As already available for Features it would be useful to see Assigned to record available in the Initiative card customisation.
Miika Kettunen about 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Improve filter capabilities of "positioning type" in Strategy > Positioning

In Strategy > Positioning, you're able to add more folder's than the default one of "Business". But, when you go to filter the Positioning Type to that new folder, it will only apply the filter one time. If you click into a new card within the ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Add image editing update to competitors

The new image editing is really useful for Personas, but should be added to competitors.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Bottom Section for Initiative Custom Layout

It would be great to have a 'bottom section' for the custom layout of initiatives like is available for Features. Currently any custom fields appear above the initiative description which feels disjointed in the 'glance' view for initiatives. Havi...
Guest about 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Include master features in the GET Initiatives API call

Is there any way that Master Features can be included in the Get Initiative API call? It’s returning features, releases, etc. but not master features.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Add prefix & ID number to Initiatives list when linking two records

When linking two records (using actions->link to another record) and select "These Initiatives" from the left drop down. The resulting list is just the name of all of the initiatives. There is no prefix-## which makes it very hard for teams to ...
Devik Lansing over 7 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped

hide persona or competitor tab

while you can hide the overview section - this is not what I want to do I just want to be able to hide either / both persona and competitor tabs
Michel Besner over 8 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped