In our workspace's Aha! hierarchy, we have Goals, Initiatives, and Features. Features belong to Initiatives, and Initiatives belong to Goals. If you think about this parent/child relationship, a Feature is a "grandchild" of a Goal. However, when b...
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Dear all, I believe we will all agree that Initiative chart UX is way too basic and probably did not change since its pre-alpha superb SEMI-MVP.. :-). I would appreciate greatly if there would be a bit more evolution in the chart done. I don't thi...
Daniel Pokrývka
over 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Embed Google Sheets chart in description text boxes
For goals and success metrics we need to display charts to show the past and actual performance figures.
Please, make it possible to integrate Google sheet chart or tableau charts via iframe or anything.
Kote Khutsishvili
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
New section under Strategy or Info for definitions/product functions.
Our Product has multiple functions/modules. With each module there are some terminologies and concepts that need to be defined. I can use notes to create a document but that that can get messy really quick. I see this area working similar to how P...
Chris Eichermüller
over 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Add the possibility to link individual Component a Strategy Model. The Component can be referenced from various parts of the platform, e.g. Description field of Releases, Goals, Features etc.
over 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Have linked releases to goals and initiatives only show work related to that container
Currently the linked releases to an initiative or goal, show all complete and pending stories for the release. If a release is not 1:1 with the initiative or goal, those items are showing work that is not related which gives a false perception to ...
Ronnie Merkel
almost 4 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Our teams would like to start using specific Model Templates to organize their Epics/Strategic work as the structure is more visual for strategic planning of business cases. However, you cannot connect this record type to other records nor can you...
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Be able to plot Epics across the pyramid of Innovation, Value/revenue creation, and Keeping the lights on as an alternative to the value/effort quad plot
While plotting Goals and Initiatives in the quad view of value/effort across high/low is useful, we'd also like to be able to plot or categorize Epics ( and maybe Goals) in the three-level pyramid of Innovation, Value and Keeping the Lights on.
Gordon Kent
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Allow worksheet formulas to reference goal statuses
Currently the goal status field is not available to filter on using worksheets. A use case for supporting the goal status in a worksheet formula would be to do a count of rolled up goals that are in the status "Achieved" with this formula: count(s...
Madeleine Black
almost 4 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration