Allow more flexibility when creating custom strategic models
As a Product Strategist that would like to create a custom strategy map I would like the flexibility to resize and locate the various components added to the map instead of having them snap to a specific size and location on the mamp.
Robert B
about 6 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Be able to plot Epics across the pyramid of Innovation, Value/revenue creation, and Keeping the lights on as an alternative to the value/effort quad plot
While plotting Goals and Initiatives in the quad view of value/effort across high/low is useful, we'd also like to be able to plot or categorize Epics ( and maybe Goals) in the three-level pyramid of Innovation, Value and Keeping the Lights on.
Gordon Kent
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
As a product manager, I want the title of the page I'm exporting to PDF/Image/Notebook to appear with the page content so that the content can be understood more easily.
Specifically, I noticed this when exporting a Vision page from a product to...
Dan Molloy
about 8 years ago
in Strategy
Will not implement
The competitor functionality right now represents the company rather than the products it markets, with products being represented as bullet points in the description. You therefore can't do things like e.g. have different pricing or strengths/wea...
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Focus on more product portfolio views based on bubble charting using values such as revenue/# customers ect
This way we can do better portfolio management as we have several products and from a top down view we would like have. This will help managing the portfolio. I belief Aha should focus on product management and keep away from the development proce...
almost 10 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Allow Objectives and Key Results to be inherited from parent object (Release/Epic/Feature)
What is the challenge? When I set a Release's or EPic's Key Result I need to be able to automate or set a condition that all children are set to the same Objective and Key Result What is the impact? Without this ability Objectives/ Key Results hav...
James L
4 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Sort Initiatives by Custom Field in Strategy - > Initiative
What is the challenge? In Strategy -> Initiative page, we are not able to sort the initiatives by custom fields. Due to the limitation, after we save initiative rank to a custom field using "Prioritization View", we are not able to reflect the ...
Hank Liu
5 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
At present, files attached to a persona field only display when viewing the persona details drawer, and the attachments aren't visible on the persona profile view itself. It would useful to have this provision for persons profile view.
Bharat K
almost 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration