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Add more than one custom persona template to a workspace

We have both detailed personas and summary personas that we like to use for different situations - presentations, talking with devs etc. Being able to use multiple in the same workspace would be great.
Guest over 4 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to tag/link a Vision component to a Goal

We are using components in the Vision as company pillars that a strategy is built upon. Goals should be supported by the company's vision.
Guest over 4 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

New market section for customers

Under the Strategy tab there is a section for Market and while the personas and competitors are very helpful it would also be good to have another section for customers/opportunities. While i'm building out my new project it would be good to have ...
Joe Granville almost 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Possibility to color code / control color of the user field

Today we set ownership on initiative level, this is used to both report portfolios but also to make sure there is a clear owner of every initiative. Today the box is grey by default but we would benefit to be able to set color based on which use r...
Kristian Haglund about 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Extend saved views to Strategy > Initiatives

I'm trying to put together a presentation with different filter settings for the Strategy > Initiatives "Chart View". In our case this tells a nice story as we filter by time frames, as initiatives in the short term are "hard" and not necessari...
Guest about 5 years ago in Strategy 2 Unlikely to implement

Add external date for initiatives

I'm sharing initiatives view as a status report for different projects. I want to have an external release date field with flexibility to choose quarter, month, week or specific date
Kote Khutsishvili over 5 years ago in Strategy 3 Unlikely to implement

Goal with status category "Will not do" should not appear as a selectable Goal for any record

When a Goal is "abandoned", the out-of-box Goal workflow has a status for that, using the "Will not do" status category. The benefit of this behavior is that the history is viewable and reportable. However, a Goal with a status category "Will not ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Empathy Mapping

Our business is continuing to evolve our product management process and have introduced Empathy Mapping to augment the personas to gain a better understanding of our clients problems and what we are trying to solve for. It would be helpful to have...
Steve Podzamsky over 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Sort Persona and Competitor Profiles

You are not currently able to auto-sort Profiles from the Competitor or Persona screens. This makes searching for profiles exceedingly difficult & it's not very intuitive. Would like a standard A>Z Z>A Sort buttons on these Strategy Page...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Strategy 1 Unlikely to implement

Add a Product section to Initiative page

The Initiative page currently contains sections for Record Links, Goals, Releases, Master Features, and Features. This is extremely helpful for viewing scope of the initiative and provides hyperlinks for navigation. It would be extremely helpful ...
Perri-Anne Sims almost 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement