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Sorting the competitor list

I have a large number of competitors listed in my strategy area, but unless I drag the list items (not practical given the number in there) I can't sort them (other than exporting and re-importing, which is not a good solution). This makes the lis...
Chris Taylor over 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Customize goal cards

I want the ability to customize goal cards. There is often relevant information (and custom fields) that I need to easily see when I navigate to Strategy > Goals. It's already possible to customize initiative cards. Please add support for goals...
Nathaniel Collum over 1 year ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Filter Initiatives in the workflow view by custom fields

In the Strategy/ Initiative tab. We have several initiatives across a large organization. Some of these are strategic and some are not. we would like to be able to filter by a custom field and still use the same workflow visuals. Ie. moving initia...
Anthony Bourne almost 2 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Ignore ranking of completed / archived initiatives

Completed and archived (using the Time frame field) initiatives still seem to 'maintain' their rank for reporting purposes and can cause confusion when creating new initiatives and trying to view initiatives by rank in a dashboard / external repor...
Max O. almost 2 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Delivery risks for initiatives

For alerts for initiatives, I think we would be looking for something similar to what has been deployed for features. I'm sure if you ask any 2 programme or portfolio managers, they'll want slightly different variables but they all pretty much cen...
Steve Dagless about 2 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped

Cursor jumps to beginning of line, when typing in textareas

Not sure, if this has begun only recently in general or is only a problem in the strategy views I have just used (Positioning template -> Description field of various components): Often, when I have typed in a textarea input today, the text cur...
Guest about 3 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Strategic Positioning Read Only Information Sections

It would be great if we could have the ability to have an info/read-only section/component in strategic positions/models that are used for instructions, etc. but do not allow for data entry/editing.
Dave Scaglione about 3 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Competitor Pricing field needs to allow text formatting & file attachment

Pricing field is currently treated as a simple single line entry and can't be used to explain complex pricing models or attachment of pricing schedules for reference.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

View strategy model details in the details drawer

When adding strategic model data into a report, selecting the model name opens a details drawer which does not include any of the text components that are part of that model. There is not an easy way of then navigating from that drawer to the stra...
Madeleine Black almost 4 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

Copy a Strategic Positioning Template

Provide the ability to move or copy a Strategic Positioning template, similar to the functionality that already exists for moving or copying Strategic Model templates.
Brian Flett almost 4 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped