Add delivery risk check for connecting work to strategy
We need to ensure that all of the work we deliver is driving our overall product strategy. Create a new delivery risk indicator that is triggered when a record does not roll up to a larger part of the plan (e.g. feature doesn't have an epic set, e...
Jeff Tucker
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
I would like to use AI to add to, and update the information in my competitor list (>Strategy>Competitors): company web page and video summaries company size and valuation
feature lists
pricing user feedback
In addition, the AI could sug...
Chris Taylor
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Personas within a single workspace can become unwieldy, especially for complex products that cater for a wide range of very different user groups and domains. It would be great to group personas within folders. Folders would also be useful to dist...
Ian Babelon
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Providing a template would help our users work in Aha! rather than creating one outside and uploading it. Our users need a bit more help than the Vision Description in the Strategy section.
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Initiatives link to goals, and features link to initiatives. But when you go to the goals page and click "related" – you cannot see the features roll up at the goal level. If I have 9 features linked to an initiative, and that initiative is one of...
Amelia Peklar
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
In our workspace's Aha! hierarchy, we have Goals, Initiatives, and Features. Features belong to Initiatives, and Initiatives belong to Goals. If you think about this parent/child relationship, a Feature is a "grandchild" of a Goal. However, when b...
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Ability to link strategic models, specifically opportunity canvas to epic or features.
I like the opportunity canvas format. It stores a lot of detail and serves as a jumping off point to an epic and/ or feature. If they are linked, I can easily see everything I have related to the canvas and reference quickly when my team is review...
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Already exists
The columns shown are interesting, but not particularly useful to me. I'd like Timeframe, Goal, Progress, and Status. I suspect other users would find it useful as well, perhaps with other content and layout requirements.
almost 2 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Within a goal, I have create a custom date field. I would like for there to be automation to input the latest initiative end date into the custom date goal field.
Blake Falanga
almost 2 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists