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My ideas: Strategy

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Related tab on personas and competitors / make them linkable records

We need the Competitor and Persona objects to have the same linking functionalities that most other objects do (Epics, Features, etc..)
conner traywick almost 3 years ago in Strategy 5 Future consideration

Add Phases and Milestones to Initiatives

As a user of Aha, I want to be able to add phases and milestones to initiatives, so that I can track important work streams relating to an initiative. Today, the only way to track work streams, phases or milestones is to create a release. However...
Guest over 6 years ago in Strategy 2 Unlikely to implement

Import Data for Strategy Records

When uploading a CSV into Aha!, it only allows you to select: Features, Goals, Ideas, Initiatives, Products, Releases, or Users. It doesn't allow you to create/import data for Competitors or Strategy Models which is critial for us migrating Vendor...
Guest about 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Add other key user groups like personas and competitors

It would be great if you could edit the persona name to something else if needed or to add another tab (like the persona or competitor) to track another business resource such as key suppliers.
Chris Waters almost 9 years ago in Strategy 3 Unlikely to implement

Dedicated Workflow Board for Goals & Initiatives

I'd like a dedicated board for managing a products goals and initiatives. My company uses agile principles even at the highest level of a product as our goals are taken through various stages such as research, development and validation and I woul...
Guest over 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Import personas

I already have a bunch of user persona data and it would be great if i could import the majority of the content via .csv just like goals/initiatives/etc.
Guest over 8 years ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Option to remove Archived Goals / Initiatives from report filters

I use the Hierarchy report regularly to review the overall picture on Goals and related Epics. When working with other departments I like to reduce the noise in this report to filter down to their items only. However as it includes archived items,...
Guest about 3 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Make goals available across product lines

Initiatives can currently be created in one product line and be used across many different products and product lines. Goals cannot even though they are a natural extension of this concept. In my use case I have initiatives and goals that are fulf...
Dave Tucker over 4 years ago in Strategy 3 Future consideration

Need ability to remove epics and features from initiative

Currently there is an option to add epics and features to initiative in the "Related" tab of Initiative. However, there is no option to remove/unlink epics and features from the initiative. I am forced to go into each epic/feature and unlink the i...
Satish H over 2 years ago in Strategy 2 Future consideration

Personas can be 'mentioned' using # in a text editor

As a #productmanager, I would like to easily use a # to reference personas when I am defining a feature. This would work just as it does when using a # to refer to features or epics - typing #persona_name would search and find that persona. A litt...
Kelly Sebes over 3 years ago in Strategy 3 Future consideration