Filter the Initiative Rank list to show all open and future items
For PMs with many initiatives in varying states, I need to rank the initiatives against each other as priorities change. In the Strategy > Initiative view, I want to have to show or exclude multiple states or state groups at the same time or to...
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
See inherited personas in the product's Strategy/Persona's page
It's great that we can inherit personas from parent products but we need to be able to see those inherited personas in the Strategy/Persona Page of a child product ... right now you need to change PRODUCT in order to see the inherited personas whi...
Michel Besner
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
BMC pdf export - Need Product Header at top of page
When exporting a Product's BMC via PDF, the PDF itself looks great, but their is no header showing to which Product it belongs. Any chance we could get that included, PLEASE? Thanks!
Joe Carpenter
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Support the context of a sub-goal at the Company, Product Line or Product Level
Normally when setting a corporate strategy, the Corporate goals have sub-goals that are a little more down to earth and digestible. These sub-goals give all areas of the business, IT, product development anchors to have a common understanding and ...
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Allow creating product-specific initiatives from the product line screen.
I have created an initiative for my product line. I now want to create a specific initiative for each product in that product line.
I can manually create each product initiative and link it back to the product line initiative and it will appear in...
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Will not implement
Ability to have a common structure for competitor cards under different products so the layout doesn't change when moving a competitor
When moving a competitor from under one product to another the structure of the competitor page changes and certain fields hide in the new space where it is being moved. This then requires manually editing and moving around fields in the card, whi...
over 4 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
It would be great to have access to a standard image library for persona's, the demonstration image looks great and is a good combination of aspiration / person, its nice to be able to upload our own images, but this takes time and requires us to ...
Fraser Mayfield
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
The strategy section captures a lot of good information, but it would be great to also capture tracking around an MVP.
Something like:
MVP Iteration #, Hypotheses, Results, Date
Dan B
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Add area to configure and enter Customer information
Looking for a good place to add customer information including things like a business plan, products and product features using, as well as, those interested in.
It would be great if it appeared as a tab under Strategy --> Overview and had th...
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists