When hiding a field on a persona, it will hide the same field on all personas at the same level in the hierarchy. This makes personas usability a little difficult in the example where you want to capture/demonstrate different information for inter...
Rachel Fitton
about 3 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
In the strategic competitor chart you can view all the related workspaces and drag and drop one of them on the chart to show how that product compares with competitors, but this list does not include the workspace you are in. Ideally we would like...
Brian Flett
almost 4 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Hey, Let's add elevator pitch framework into Vision or Strategy section? This is MECE and at the same time, the most comprehensive way to communicate your product strategy. Best about it is that it realy takes nothing to implement as it's just two...
Olga U
over 4 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
I do not see anything that covers target market like who would you sell this product to if you are trying to sell to companies. We have user personas but target market personas are different. Like fast food restaurants, department stores, etc We w...
Sherri Anderson
over 4 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Add more than one custom persona template to a workspace
We have both detailed personas and summary personas that we like to use for different situations - presentations, talking with devs etc. Being able to use multiple in the same workspace would be great.
over 4 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
As you create more and more strategy models, it would be useful to have a way to organize models into a hierarchy (like you can do with Notes) and/or into folders. You can currently filter the models based on type or time frame but that doesn't pr...
Greg Horlacher
almost 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Possibility to color code / control color of the user field
Today we set ownership on initiative level, this is used to both report portfolios but also to make sure there is a clear owner of every initiative. Today the box is grey by default but we would benefit to be able to set color based on which use r...
Kristian Haglund
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Make models into templates, provide mechanism to move templates around in the hierarchy.
Let's say I've come up with a really cool business canvas on my product. I show it off at our monthly product all-hands and our VP says, "I love it! I want all of our products to use this canvas going forward." It would be awesome if all I had to ...
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
I'm sharing initiatives view as a status report for different projects. I want to have an external release date field with flexibility to choose quarter, month, week or specific date
Kote Khutsishvili
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Embed Google Sheets chart in description text boxes
For goals and success metrics we need to display charts to show the past and actual performance figures.
Please, make it possible to integrate Google sheet chart or tableau charts via iframe or anything.
Kote Khutsishvili
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration