When entering descriptions of various parts of the data model, it would be useful to be able to cite or otherwise mention personas. This could take the form of @ notation, or similar, which would provide a quick search capability.
This would make...
When we are looking at an initiative that has a start date and an end start when is comes to an offer.
For instance if I have an offer that has a Start date to market and then End Date to close out the offer I have to currently have two releases ...
Make persona header images more flexible to resize
Anyone that would like to take a standard image and resize it to fit in the crop area would benefit. With the current set up, I am unable to decrease the size of a 1024x768 image so that more of it (e.g. a complete head) can fit in the crop area. ...
Currently the the top row of cells in Personas and Competitors always present text as center-aligned which is not useful to our team. We would like to have the persona editor box function as the view suggests: "bullet", "justification", etc.
Marina Reyna
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
The choice of a 5:1 aspect ratio for Persona heading images continues to baffle me. It would be nice that if you don’t specify a heading image the layout view would reclaim the vertical space. As it is, the most important real estate on my persona...
Ability to customize the text size when creating a custom Persona template
When building out the persona template the font size increases as you arrange the data element text box fields. Having a way to customize text size would be helpful.
Give access to strategic information with the REST API
There is no access to critical / strategic information like : Goals, Strategic Overview, Vision, Business Model, Personas, Competitors.
So, There is no automatic way to build kind of Balanced Score Card or Strategic Dashboard using Aha! informatio...
Initiative filter for "in Progress" should filter out "not started" items as well as "achieved" items
The "in progress" filter on the initiatives pages filters out "abandoned" and "achieved" initiatives but it leaves "not started" inititiatives on screen.
Add more flexible filtering using a drop-down list instead of the All|In progress links use...
Make the initiatives effort-value chart bigger please!
It's only like 600px wide right now! That's tiny! It would be great if you could responsively size this for the width of the page. The problem is that if you're trying to score a bunch of initiatives, it gets really hard to see on that tiny chart ...