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Ability to keep an initiative or goal from being used

Need ability to keep initiatives and goals accessible for reporting - especially as we cross over years; but, need to keep folks from using them. It seems if we keep them from using them we can report on them which is the problem we are needing to...
Karie Kelly over 2 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Link competitor to ideas, features and epics

One of the goals of analyzing your competitors in Aha, is determining differentiators and gaps between product offerings. It would be helpful to link competitors to ideas to map these gaps, and track them through your roadmap if you'ld choose to p...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Initiative to Release relationship tagging

When you are in an Inititive window, and select Add in the Releases section, you can add that various releases. If you look at the Release, it shows that it "Belongs to" the Initiative. But, there's no way to create the same releationship from the...
Aldon C about 3 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Elevator pitch framework for vision

Hey, Let's add elevator pitch framework into Vision or Strategy section? This is MECE and at the same time, the most comprehensive way to communicate your product strategy. Best about it is that it realy takes nothing to implement as it's just two...
Olga U about 4 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Target Market Personas

I do not see anything that covers target market like who would you sell this product to if you are trying to sell to companies. We have user personas but target market personas are different. Like fast food restaurants, department stores, etc We w...
Sherri Anderson about 4 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Drag & Drop Prioritization for Initiatives

My company & SLT desperately needs the new re-order capability at the Initiative Level. The ability to quickly drag & drop Inititatives across all products in the correct order & report on it would save so much time/money since we are ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Custom sections for custom fields for goals and initiatives

In our product team we would like to use custom fields for goals and initiatives. When we add custom field the section is automatically created and it's called custom fields. We are using the exact same view for reporting purposes through adding ...
Kote Khutsishvili about 5 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

RACI Models for Strategy

For complex products, the ability to add a RACI model would be helpful. Needed: Ability to capture names, titles, email addresses of involved stakeholders and/or other product/project participants - especially those that would be not be using Aha...
Lori Anderson about 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

When moving an initiative, the attachments need to move with the initiative

We just did a huge portfolio migration from one portfolio to another to start over with a new hierarchy and new workflows. When we moved the initiatives over, the attachments did not move with it. This required a lot of manual rework and time.
Wen-Wen Lin over 5 years ago in Strategy 5 Already exists

Retain timeframe filter in Models

I select a timeframe within Models so that only a subset of models are listed. As soon as I click a different model in the list, the Timeframe filter is reset and everything is shown again. It's really annoying!! Remember the selected timeframe as...
Julie Edwards over 5 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists