Add sorting and grouping to the goals and initiatives pages
We have a lot of initiatives as we build a new product from the ground up. Our goals and initiatives pages are getting out of hand. More grouping, hiding and sorting capabilities are needed.
Brooke Huling
over 9 years ago
in Strategy
The colours do not match clients notebook branding and therefore when supplying to client make the notebook look messy. Being able to custom style the colours would be highly beneficial.
Also the choice of colours is rather ugly as it is (purple ...
I would like to see the initiatives on a roadmap view and see how much of each initiative is complete. By a roadmap view I mean something graphical that shows initiatives on a timeline view and percentage complete for each initiative.
Tamer Sabry
over 9 years ago
in Strategy
Initiative filter for "in Progress" should filter out "not started" items as well as "achieved" items
The "in progress" filter on the initiatives pages filters out "abandoned" and "achieved" initiatives but it leaves "not started" inititiatives on screen.
Add more flexible filtering using a drop-down list instead of the All|In progress links use...
On an initiative and feature I want to be able to add a URL link to a web page - specifically a Confluence page where the details are being managed and updated. Right now I can attached files but not URLS
Color the circles on initiative chart the same color as the iniative
It's difficult to quickly spot the initiative on the initiative chart if you have many initiatives. It would be nice if you colored them the same color as in the details.
Quickly create features when viewing an initiative
As part of a top-down appoach to mapping products, it would be a great time-saver to be able to create features from the Strategy -> Initiatives view, when the Initiative overview popup is visible. It is possible already to create to-do's that ...
Make the initiatives effort-value chart bigger please!
It's only like 600px wide right now! That's tiny! It would be great if you could responsively size this for the width of the page. The problem is that if you're trying to score a bunch of initiatives, it gets really hard to see on that tiny chart ...