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Custom color in tables

Please allow custom colors to be set for cell background tables like in other parts of the system (text, reports, etc). Specifically the ability to type in a custom hex#, pre-set colors are currently the only option. This includes tables in presen...
Kalyndra Craven about 3 years ago in Presentations 4 Likely to implement

Automated score card fix

Currenlty there is an option to create an automated score card but it only becomes automated when you actively click on it in a layout and click automate. clicking 'automate' on several releases is manual and tedious. The whole reason for an autom...
Guest over 1 year ago in Account settings 1 Likely to implement

Slack Channels for Features

It would be very helpful to have Slack Channels per Feature. At this moment all changes in features comes to the same channel, mixing information from different features that affect different groups. Therefore, having the ability to create an inte...
Pablo Antolín about 9 years ago in Slack 6 Likely to implement

New ideas/features lists do not remember my customizations

When I go back to the ideas list I expect that it will remember the changes I made to the columns and filters. I believe it used to, but the new version of them does not.
Kelly Sebes over 1 year ago in Features / Ideas / Reports 0 Likely to implement

if you move a competitor to a workspace that has no competitors. it looks screwy

After I moved some competitors to a workspace that had no competitors, i went to view them and they looked entirely empty, with only a name, description and threat score or something. I thought maybe my data had been lost, so i added a new competi...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Strategy 4 Likely to implement

Whiteboards need to support Markdown properly

What is the challenge? Markdowns interpret Markdown in text blocks but down size them properly What is the impact? Whiteboards are unusable once you put markdown in them Describe your idea Support the sizing of boxes with markdown in and/or allow ...
Guest 7 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Likely to implement

Introduce a new bug type record in Aha! develop

When using Aha! Develop to track bugs I want to see specific fields that are only relevant for a Bug record. EX. Severity, date raised, reproduction steps etc. So that I can report on this specific subset of record types and their progress without...
Ian Cooper over 2 years ago in Backlogs / Features 0 Likely to implement

Prompt admins to turn off using classic design

What is the challenge? I was added to using our Aha instance and I thought the tool was outdated because of the design. I just became the admin of the account and now I find that a simple checkbox needed to be unchecked to unlock this sweet modern...
Steven H 9 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Likely to implement

Empathy sessions: option to customize the "Title" in emails

Today, I can edit the "Subject" and "Introduction" of emails that are sent to contacts for an empathy session, which is useful for tailoring the message. It is not currently possible to edit the "Title", which can lead to a confusing message for m...
Dale Potter over 3 years ago in Empathy sessions 1 Likely to implement

Pressing "up" should move the cursor to the cell above within a table

Imagine a table (or use the one below): Top left Top right Bottom left Bottom right In Firefox (and possibly other browsers), using the up arrow in one of the bottom cells, brings the cursor to the beginning of the line of the current cell instead...
Michel Billard about 4 years ago in Notes 1 Likely to implement