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Showing 9161 of 9161

When changing dates for releases (or master releases), automatically change dates for the phases and milestones

Once you have the phases/milestones set, if you only use the slider to move the master release around, all of the phases and milestones will move around with it automatically. However, if you change the date manually (clicking on the internal date...
Chris Waters over 10 years ago in  1 Will not implement

Create and add another feature

When I'm writing down a number of features in a row I wish I could create one feature after another, staying in the feature creation dialog without having to go to the feature detail page in between.
Guest over 10 years ago in  2 Already exists

[Aha! Develop] When an assigned feature is removed from an active sprint, automatically unassign it

We need an automation where if record is assigned and in a sprint AND it’s moved to the backlog, unassign it
Nathaniel Collum 10 days ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to reorder research and ideas on the Research tab

What is the challenge? When I'm working on a big feature, I often link 5+ notes/whiteboards and 10+ ideas. The challenge is this research is not grouped in any meaningful way. This results in the least popular idea being at the top of the list, fo...
Nathaniel Collum 28 days ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Create tags from the bulk edit screen

The Bulk edit screen only allows you to select from existing tags when applying tags to a group of records. When a user wants to add a new tag to multiple records, they first have to edit one of the records individually to create the new tag and t...
Nico Arias-Gonzalez 3 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Ideas portal can hide workspace names

What is the challenge? I want to be able to organize ideas by workspace inside Aha! but not expose that complexity to my customers in the portal. What is the impact? I can use the ideal workspace organization inside Aha! for managing ideas. And my...
Kelly Sebes 5 months ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Updated treatment for PIs within my Develop team line

Currently all PIs are shown in my team line regardless of timeframe/status/progress. As time goes on, my list of PIs only grows (new PIs are added to the bottom of the list) and I’d like to have a way to remove/sort/filter which PIs are shown so I...
Justin Waldorf 5 months ago in Program increments 0 Future consideration

Notify me when someone edits a whiteboard

There are no notifications currently when someone edits a whiteboard. In collaborative whiteboards, I want to be notified about activity such as when someone adds items to a retro whiteboard, or really anytime. The notifications don't need to be h...
Todd Meyer 6 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Ability to save an entire thread as a comment with the Slack app

What is the challenge? Given that slack conversations are deleted periodically, it’d be cool to be able to summon the aha bot from a discussion thread and have it save the whole conversation to an Aha! record. That way the conversation can be refe...
Nathaniel Collum 6 months ago in Slack 0 Future consideration

CMD+Click should open a 'pill' link within a note into a new tab

I frequently use CMD+Click on hyperlinks to open the link into a new browser tab. This previosly used to work on the ‘Pill’ for embedded links inside Aha! notes, but today I noticed it is not.
Tom Bailey 8 months ago in Notes 0 Already exists