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console.log left on in feature board

There are a lot of logs to the console on the feature board. I'm guessing someone left a console.log in the code somewhere :)
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Will not implement

Use case best practices class

GOAL: Share best practices accumulated across Aha!'s years of helping customers be successful | CLASS MATERIAL IDEAS: Common use cases, Common methodologies, Common roles, Project / program management.
Julie Price over 3 years ago in Training 1 Will not implement

Support One to many relationship fields on Customize record cards

Why is it useful? Ability to add One to many relationship fields on Cards really helps to view the field value at glance rather than to open a record to view field values. Who would benefits from it? Anyone who uses board. How should it work? It...
Tej Namala over 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Will not implement

Dependencies (adjustable) between different releases, if move the first release to another date, automatically move all depended releases

No description provided
Guest over 3 years ago in Dependencies / Releases 0 Will not implement

Create competitive pricing tier for low-access users

Picture this. You're paying Aha $1800 per year for Enterprise+ because that's the tier you need. 100 people work at your company, and they have been using Zoho Projects @ $60 per year per person. You are not not not going to convince this company ...
Debbie Levitt over 3 years ago in Features 0 Will not implement

Ability to bulk change the team status on features or requirements

Sometimes a feature ships but some of its requirements are not marked as done by the developer. Currently we need to manually update the status on each requirement's page in order to stop it from displaying in the backlog.
Kelly Sebes over 3 years ago in Sprints 0 Will not implement

Expose User Documentation through the UI

Currently Documentation in the UI points at API documentation. Embedding user documentation in the UI makes more sense!
Guest almost 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Will not implement

Rack Extensions

Required for 0118516 - SSEET - BP BPI Scrum Team Service Front and back of rack, with device depth Freestanding devices on Rack trays https://cienabp.aha...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Ideas 1 Will not implement

Documentation on all standard fields supplied by Aha! on all record types.

As a new developer working to customize Aha! I would like to see documentation on all standard fields supplied by Aha! including a definition on usage, field type, whether it is required or not and what record(s) the field is used for so that I un...
Deb kelchner about 4 years ago in Application 3 Will not implement

I want the previous design back - no more "surprises" over night.

Stop messing around with the user interface - I really do not like having to learn a new UserInterface every couple of days. Especially this time where your update introduced yet another set of features that slowed me down. In short, the new UI su...
Thomas H over 4 years ago in  1 Will not implement