When viewing an individual feature card (especially after searching for a feature) it is easy to lose context of how important that particular feature is, since you cannot necessarily see it listed against all the other features in the feature boa...
Robert Wood
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ability to create a shared webpage as a report editor
There appears to be a gap on how shared webpages are configured. Currently only the original creator of the report can create the link for a shared webpage. Often, other people who are designated editors to the report, need to download to send out...
about 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to show 2 types of records in one column (master feature and feature records) but in different cells/rows in a Pivot report when the records are not linked.
In our configuration, we have either Epics(Features) or Master features linked to a Goal. In a pivot report, we want to show all Epics and Master Features linked to the Goal in one column.
For the report, the primary record is the Goal and Epics...
kanak l
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
With the Jira integration it is possible to pull through the Sprint name as a custom field into Aha Master Features/Features. It would be useful to be pull through the sprint finish date and apply that to all linked items within Aha. This would al...
John Biltcliffe
over 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
On a public ideas portal: require a user account before posting, voting and commenting.
Our public ideas portal is today open for all people to post.
I’ve been recommended by our internal security expert to require people to create an account before allowing them to post, vote and comment.
When I set the ideas portal to be privat...
over 6 years ago
in User management
Unlikely to implement
A lot of project management tools have bad road maps. Investigate those with bad road maps and attempt to integrate with the platform.
There should be two options. Use the entire project as a road map or select one task and use the subtasks as ...
Every time an issue is updated in Aha, the user must remember to click on Actions and send the update to Gitlab. This manual step is different than making all other edits in Aha that automatically save and makes it easy for things to become unsync...
over 7 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
I would like to have the ability to set an automatic deactivation of user accounts after XX days of inactivity.
Use Case: As an admin with a large user base, I frequently have users moving between groups, changing responsibilities, etc. Sometimes...
Joe Carpenter
over 8 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Aha should delete the integration link when receiving a delete trigger from a webhook
We have Aha linked to JIRA. When we delete an issue in JIRA, this triggers our Webhook to send a message to Aha. I understand and agree that this should not cause Aha to delete the Feature connected to it for security reasons. But I would expect A...
Marvin van Dongen
over 8 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Restrict broadcast messages to specific Product Line(s)
In our large organization, we have three top-level Product Lines to represent each corporate division. Some broadcast messages are useful for the entire organization, but others would be more meaningful if they were visible to users of a specific ...