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Provide a warning explaining consequences when changing the workflow used in a workspace

When a user moves to a new workflow in a workspace or team, there can be a loss of data related to the statuses like cycle time, time in status, etc. I would like to understand these consequences before making the change so I am not surprised with...
Max Robbins over 1 year ago in Wanted 1 Will not implement

New design is ugly can I return the previous design?

Hate it. Why everyone trying to make all things on page bigger? I need more details on page not less.
Vladimir P almost 2 years ago in Features 4 Will not implement

Prevent non-billing admin workspace owners from adding paid seats outside their owned paid seat groups

The cure was determined to be worse than the ailment. Moved to an idea, tracked here: Currently there is an edge case where project owners are able to add users that take up paid seats outside the paid seat...
Chris Zempel about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement

Convert Mockup to an editable whiteboard

I have a Feature with Mockups that I would like to make available in a Whiteboard. But I want to make them editable from the white board.
Joanne I about 2 years ago in Whiteboards 0 Will not implement

Multi select initiatives per feature

It would be great if we could add multiple initiatives to a feature card
Amy Bither about 2 years ago in Features 0 Will not implement

Google analytics - Universal Analytics ending July 2023

Google will no longer support universal analytics, all of our analytics use GA4 and we won't be turning them back to UA, this means we can't use the analytics integration for roadmaps which looks really useful. Please can you support GA4
Mike Lowery about 2 years ago in  0 Will not implement

Don't automatically add work from the dev parking lot to the team board

The backlog page on the dev team site adds extra steps that are unneeded, it takes 3 steps to put it on the board. As a Kanban team we don't want to have to go through all these steps just to show something in a ready column. However if you turn o...
Mike Lowery about 2 years ago in Backlogs / User story map 0 Will not implement

Embed drawing in a Note

At this time, it is possible to embed a Whiteboard in a Note, although it does not render correctly in the PDF export of the note. What this request is about is to allow embedding drawings, and allow a proper PDF export where the drawing s...
Fede Garibaldi over 2 years ago in Notes 2 Will not implement

Need to be able to connect Google Drive files

Looks like Aha! is not approved by Google's application security process? This is a huge issue for us as we are in the middle of planning for upcoming quarters and using Aha! for the first time. Is this likely to be fixed in the future? Is there a...
Shosh over 2 years ago in Integrations 2 Will not implement

Customize goals & initiative field terminology on Develop records

When I add work to my Develop board, I need to tie it back up to the Goals/Initiatives that the work relates to. When I do this, I want to be able to configure the Goal and Initiative terminology to how I've customized that terminology in my Roadm...
Erin Ward almost 3 years ago in Development 0 Will not implement