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My work

Showing 20

Would Like Custom Templates for My Work

Who would benefit? any user that wants to utilize My Work for standardized notes What impact would it make? More efficient and standard notes How should it work? I would like to inherit custom templates or have a separate section for custom templa...
Jennifer Lange over 1 year ago in My work 0 Shipped

Show recently created records on My work

I commonly add features or ideas and then want to see the item again or get a link to it a few minutes later. The first place I naturally look for this is in 'My Work', but it shows up under 'My Profile'. Add the data from 'My Profile' as a sectio...
Jonathan Steel over 6 years ago in My work 0 Shipped

Customize view for My Work screen

It would be cool to have customizable screens in the My Work section - similar to reports. I feel you should be able to tweak that page to show features by custom conditions so I can drive efficiently.
Austin R about 8 years ago in My work 1 Shipped

Include Parking Lot Release Features in My Work

Currently, if I go to My Work, I don't see any items that are assigned to me that are in Parking Lot releases. Please consider fixing this quickly. Thanks!
cheryl fetchko almost 9 years ago in My work 1 Shipped

Addition to 'My Work' Area - My Reports

Currently the 'My Work' area is very helpful in monitoring, well, My Work (Features assigned, To-Do's assigned). I would like to see at least a third area added, My Reports. This would be a convenient place to find all my authored Reports. Current...
Joe Carpenter almost 8 years ago in My work 1 Shipped

Deleting All Watchers brings you back to Work tab, not watcher tab

Steps to reproduce: My profile -> Watchers Tab Click a product with watchers Delete All Watchers - open modal, yes delete all Takes me to the Work tab - then I have to go back to the watchers tab
Guest about 8 years ago in My work 0 Shipped

extend main page time horizon to show 5-6 years instead of current limit of 2

Our company's planning window is 6 years (Current + 5). I tried putting in release date to 2020 and 2021. Aha takes that, but the dashboard on the main home page won't display beyond 2 years and ends on year 2017. Would it be possible to extend th...
Guest over 9 years ago in My work 0 Shipped

Adding records from "My Work" screen should automatically assign to the selected user

Adding a feature from the "My Work" screen currently defaults to no assignee, so it doesn't show up on the list that it was expected to be added to, because it has no assignee.
Andrew Vit about 6 years ago in My work 0 Shipped

My Work Link to Parking Lots

Two ideas, really: Include a link to parking lots just as there are links to releases so that I can quickly get to the parking lot just like I can get to releases. Include the name of the product in addition to the name of the release so that I h...
Tom Beck about 7 years ago in My work 0 Shipped

Allow display of assigned master features in "My work" screen

I am able to see an incomplete features list assigned to me, but this view does not include master features and I do not see a setting for this. It would be nice to see this larger scope of work as part of this screen which I am trying to use as a...
Joseph Antrosio over 7 years ago in My work 0 Shipped