I know that I can 'right-click' the Details button and get the link address, but a link icon at the top of the feature would be great. The comments have it, the feature should to.
about 10 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
We have embedded our public roadmap in an iframe (e.g. see http://roadmap.mambu.com) but it loads for quite a while and the user might think something is broken because for a couple of seconds nothing is displayed on the iframe.
about 10 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
We would like to be able to extract some insights from our Aha data. For each release:
How many points over capacity are we?
After the first sprint in a 2-sprint release is completed, are we half way done with story points?
How many features do w...
As business needs change a Feature that seemed obvious to add to a release pipeline may get tabled based on new information and based on more information may need to be demoted. Even though Features can be bulk moved to Ideas the ability to easily...
Aaron Bawcom
about 10 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Provide the ability to automatically deliver presentations in PDF/Link form via e-mail on a scheduled basis. For example, I may have a presentation representing the current status of a release, what's left to finish, and the projected deliverables...
Aaron Bawcom
about 10 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Have users in Jira and Aha matched for comments, updates etc
I realise this is not Aha's fault, but if we put the issue here with more info, users will be more likely to go to Jira to vote for the issue there.
Currently whenever someone comments on an issue in Jira, in appears in Aha as a comment from the p...
I sent this to support and was told that Aha doesn't support it. I'm in the market for a PM tool for our company, but it needs to be able to import the (almost ) 1000 feature requests that we keep in Redmine, and the thousands of tickets that we k...
about 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Releases can be linked to Product Line initiatives
When I'm relating releases back to product strategy, I would like to create a relationship to Product Line initiatives, so I don't have to re-create the same initiatives for all products in a product family.
about 10 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Inherit Vision, Goals and initatives from other product lines
When initially setting up Aha it would be great to be able to have a Strategy for the Firm and then inherit and modify each of the elements by product line and product. This way you can cascade and align objectives easily. Vision, Goals, and initi...
about 10 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Add an "Unlike competitors..." clause to the value proposition template
Value propositions are super-powerful for product managers, as they capture the market, the problem to be solved, how the product solves it, and why the solution is better than competitors. Unfortunately, although Aha has a value prop template, it...
Nils Davis
about 10 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists