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Allow for customization of "Sort by" term on ideas portal

What is the challenge? In ideas portal settings, you can customize the terminology of you navigation. However, the "Sort by" term cannot be customized. What is the impact? When translating the navigation to a different language, "Sort by" cannot b...
Emily Yankush 14 days ago in Ideas portal 0 Planning to implement

Sprint start and end dates should not overlap

What is the challenge? When I create a new sprint the start date, is the same date as the end date of the last sprint. What is the impact? I have to change the date to the next day. Describe your idea Add one more day to the start date of the next...
Mike Lowery 14 days ago in Sprints 0 Future consideration

Provide ability to restrict idea creation to certain workspaces

What is the challenge? We have some workspaces for certain internal functions and some related to products. We only want ideas to be created for product related workspaces as we have various processes related to ideas in those workspaces What is t...
Alex Horan 14 days ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Add the option to "select all" in filters

What is the challenge? When using filters, there isn't an option to "select all" and unselect the one you don't want. What is the impact? Time consuming when there are many options you must choose instead of a simple choose all and deselect possib...
Sherry Dockery 14 days ago in Reports / Search 2 Future consideration

Release to be optional on Epics, or multi-select

What is the challenge? In the admin configuration for a workspace, Aha! provides a tooltip explanation for "Epics", which reads: "What are epics? Epics are used for bigger work items and can be used to group together many features, which can span ...
Guest 17 days ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Easily disable/enable automations from main screen

What is the challenge? I have to click into each automation to enable/disable. This is annoying and time consuming. What is the impact? Spending too much time on something that should be really easy. Describe your idea Be able to enable/disable au...
Amanda K 17 days ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Calculate key result progress by current/target metrics

What is the challenge? Today, progress at the key result level only allows progress to be calculated from features. What is the impact? It's not possible to base key result progress on its target metrics Describe your idea Allow option for the pro...
Nathaniel Collum 17 days ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Multi-select/Bulk-select Ideas in List Report to view and export when performing a search

What is the challenge? Currently, one has to select Ideas individually when searching by Idea name and other criteria to view a list of related Ideas and export them. Shift + selection does not work like it might in other applications. What is the...
Ian Babelon 17 days ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Ability to Resize Now, Next, Later Pop-Ups

What is the challenge? Being able to easily and effectively deliver previews of upcoming features is difficult using the Now, Next, Later view, as the pop-up windows are very limiting and cannot be resized. What is the impact? Customers are unable...
Guest 17 days ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Option to copy text panel in dashboards

What is the challenge? Text panels can't be copied What is the impact? When using text panels to break up sections of a dashboard, it's great to add styling into the text panel and make it stand out. Having to set them up manually each time is pai...
Steve Dagless 17 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration