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Ability to restrict editing for Ideas Portal

Due to the limitation of , we compromised to put all the products in one ideas portal. Currently we have about 10+ products in this list and it could easily grow into tripple digits. With that many product...
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Can we get a fresh copy of the Fredwin sample data for importing?

As a long time user, my copy of the Fredwin Cycling data doesn't contain many of the newer features (i.e. custom tables). I use the Fredwin dataset as a sample for my users to refer back to and see how it used as a sandbox type environment.It woul...
Joe Carpenter over 8 years ago in Application 3 Unlikely to implement

Add an option to make the First and Last Name fields Required

I don't want "Guests" to be able to suggest an idea :)
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Suppress Reference Numbers

Suppress the reference numbers unless the user really needs or asks to see it. For example, on the Idea prioritization chart, almost half of the label is consumed by the reference number. Unless the idea name is very brief, I cannot tell what the ...
Tom Beck over 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Bulk add of screens to notebook

It seems that there should be a template for bulk adding general screens to a notebook rather than having to go through and individually add each page. Of course you could add/delete pages after that initial load, but going through and manually ad...
Guest over 8 years ago in Presentations 0 Unlikely to implement

Provide a stage for new ideas to be reviewed before voting

I'd like the ability for new ideas to be in a state where they can't be voted on until the Admin enables it. This allows the PM team to review the idea and make sure it is understood and that it is truly only one idea and not multiple. We can "kin...
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Feature Roadmap - Allow JIRA #/JIRA Link

On the feature roadmap view when I choose to display a feature within a given release, I'd like the ability to also display the JIRA link/JIRA #. Similar to how i'm able to configure if the initiative icon is displayed. That way my technical audie...
Michael Morrison over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Logging time for another Resource in Aha

Currently an Aha User can only log their own time on a Feature Card. As a Project Manager / Admin it would be useful to be able to log time on behalf of another User on the project. All that need be done is add a 'Logged By' Field to the 'Log Time...
Steve Clark over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

As a user I want to have a link to the original epic/feature when I create a copy so I can get back to it

A common workflow for me is to create a copy of an epic from a product partner's project into my own project (i.e. they're developing a hardware feature and there's a need to reflect that feature in my software product). Right now, the copy and mo...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

When adding a column for customer fields we dont need to see the what level the Custom Field was created at.

When adding a column for customer fields we dont need to see the what level Product Level the Custom Field was created at. e.g. Systems (KCOM)
Luke Hanson over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement