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Comment in Description

What is the challenge? currenlty someone would write a description, which contain a lot of information, and we might need to comment certain point of this description. Currently we use the edit description or the comment, but some comment stream g...
Guest 30 days ago in Features 0 Already exists

Minor performance issues with content-rich whiteboards

What is the challenge? There are often performance issues with whiteboards that have lots of sticky notes, shapes and images (screenshots - whether low-res or high-res). What is the impact? Performance issues lead to temporary bugs in how displayi...
Ian Babelon about 1 month ago in Whiteboards 1 Already exists

Importing of Workspaces

What is the challenge? When importing new workspaces you cannot show what parent line to add to What is the impact? Workspaces are uploaded without a parent line Describe your idea Please provide the ability to tag the parent line in the import sc...
Justin B about 2 months ago in Application 0 Already exists

Be able to apply multiple sorting rules in a list report

What is the challenge? I would love to apply multiple sorting rules in a list report. (IE first sort by date, then by Status) What is the impact? Cleaner reporting to prioritize a list better Describe your idea I would love to apply multiple sorti...
Mary Daul about 1 month ago in Reports 0 Already exists

left navigation pane not displaying for finished web KB in Edge.

What is the challenge? left navigation pane not displaying for finished web KB in Edge. What is the impact? Describe your idea left navigation pane not displaying for finished web KB in Edge.
Mark T about 2 months ago in Knowledge base 1 Already exists

A way to seamlessly document Risks and Issues

What is the challenge? There is no easy way to document Risks and Issues in Aha What is the impact? We need to document these in separate areas that cause us to go outside of the Aha system, causing clunkiness and rework. Describe your idea Add a ...
Guest about 2 months ago in Dependencies 0 Already exists

Make ideas list searchable

What is the challenge? 253 ideas listed din this backlog and I cannot search by keyword or filter What is the impact? i have to read 253 titles until I find what is relevant Describe your idea Ad a simple search field
Guest 4 months ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Error Moving pages under Knowledge section

What is the challenge? After moving one page under Knowledge section, no more pages can be added by the + sign within folders or notes. What is the impact? Unable to move or reorganize notes, pages, documents and folders within Knowledge section D...
Guest about 2 months ago in Knowledge base 1 Already exists

Viewing and searching features for shipped releases

It's not possible to see feature list in shipped release at all. Searching for features doesn't bring it up either. If this tools comes to replace PRD/ERD - deleting any record of implemented features is not a good idea.
Alona Gian almost 6 years ago in Releases 27 Already exists

Filter Workflow board in Aha Develop by product workspace from Aha Roadmaps

I need to filter the workflow board in Aha Develop by product workspace from Aha roadmaps. I have 3-4 product workspaces from Aha roadmaps flowing to the same Dev team in Aha Develop. I need to be able to filter the workflow board by product works...
Travis Hampton about 3 years ago in Workflow boards 7 Already exists