As a Release Manager, I can format the ship notes to maximize readability and comprehensive by the recipients of the resulting message.
Today, the message delivered ignores the formatting and splits the content into multiple white "boxes". Indent...
Tom Beck
over 6 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
Ideas via Email: How it handles CC'd Repsonses & Custom Email Address
I am looking into potentially using Ideas submitted via email as an option for a submit only portal linked to my already existing product but there are some limitations that would be useful to update:
1) being able to CC other addresses in the ema...
over 8 years ago
in Ideas
Will not implement
When a user goes to a URL in the Ideas portal (e.g., if that Idea is not visible, it would be helpful if I could customize the error message.
Generically, the error should say that the Idea is not currently...
Matthew Monahan
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Will not implement
It would be really nice for our clients to have access to our presentations or notes through their portal instead of sending them an email with the link or PDF file. As most of their ideas are being released, they could have access through the...
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Will not implement
Allow for adding competitors Twitter feed to Competitor screen
It would be useful to be able to add a competitors twitter feed to their competitor page within my strategy overview.
This would allow the page to keep updated with most recent news for the competitor, and allow me to see it in context of my anal...
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Will not implement
Mockups are a great way to tell a user story. While developing new features, mockups are not always designed in the best order to tell that story.
To improve this interaction, it should be possible to reorder the order of the mockups inside a fea...
about 7 years ago
in Mockups
Will not implement
Allow to define default sub-menu to go when menu bar is clicked
For example, every time I click on the Feature menu, it goes to Board section as default. The application could allow the Owner to define inside Navigation configurations what is the default section of that menu. So when I click in Features menu, ...
Fabio Brito
over 5 years ago
in Application
Will not implement
I want the ability to create a mockup from the Product > Files page without necessarily having to attach it to a record. Right now, the only way I can create a mockup is if I attach it to a record.
over 5 years ago
in Mockups
Will not implement