we frequently see the need to uplevel a story with many requirements to an initiative level with many stories. Having this functionality would allow us to do this easily
This usually happens when we start to groom a feature and realize it should b...
over 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Add Feature Lists to Releases/Details/Progress view by sprint
When reviewing the feature burndown (Progress), I would like to see a listing of features completed, upscoped, downscoped in a list form rather then having to hover over the segments on the chart. While hovering is a great feature, it does not all...
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
It would be great if we could mark Comments and Notes as private or restricted based on the User's email domain (or something) so that teams who work with external clients (like my firm does) can still have "internal conversations" within Aha but ...
jenny miller
almost 10 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Presentations currently have a default thumbnail image. This is displayed in the Side panel view and in the Roadmaps > Overview (folder view).
This suggestion is to provide the ability to upload a custom image which would be displayed instead o...
about 5 years ago
in Presentations
Already exists
Have an email address where people can submit emails for new ideas
This would allow me to increase my reach for engaging with new ideas. We are still email based in our communication which makes it hard to manage new ideas. I would rather say if you have a new idea please email xyz and the deal with looking over ...
Show multiple releases and percentages on Chart reports
I would like to view multiple product releases when creating a Chart (for both Pie and Bar). The goal is to list out each releases displayed with their percentage on one pie or bar chart report.
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
As a product manager I'd like to be able to create reports that I can collaborate on, and edit, only with select Aha! users. I envision that this functionality would be similar to the collaboration functionality on Notebooks.
Scott Goldblatt
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Adding a feature directly to a release sets "start date = today" and due date in +5 days. I'd like to either change the default days that are set - or better still set it to the Release/Ship Date. At the moment the +5 days pushes out my release/sh...
David Behr
almost 9 years ago
in Application
Already exists
Kanban Board - features from shipped releases not visible in "Shipped" column
I have a lot of tickets that were shipped already and this column is almost infinitely long :).
I would like to see only those tickets in shipped column that are in releases that are in progress (not shipped yet).
almost 10 years ago
in Application
Already exists