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Notebook attachments should fit page orientation

Attached images print very small. Print them as large as possible to fit page orientation.
Suzanne Vaughan about 10 years ago in Presentations 3 Already exists

Helpful Insights / Reporting

We would like to be able to extract some insights from our Aha data. For each release: How many points over capacity are we? After the first sprint in a 2-sprint release is completed, are we half way done with story points? How many features do w...
Guest about 10 years ago in Capacity planning / Releases 0 Already exists

Ability to export roadmap report to powerpoint or excel

What is the challenge? Currently, the roadmap report can only be exported to .png or .pdf. No option for powerpoint or excel. What is the impact? Excel and Powerpoint are very popluar application for PMs and managers to consolidate date and make p...
Megan Fang 5 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Already exists

Copy/ Share a Release Template between Product Line

I created a detailed release template at the product line level, and I would like to share that with other product lines and other products. I could not find a easy way to do that without recreating the release template at the product line level.
Joshua Deixler over 5 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

Forgotten password option on Ideas Portal

Please add a forgotten password option to the Ideas Portal login page; so that users can self serve for password resets. If a user has been issued an invite, but not set a password, the link should also re-issue the invite / allow them to create p...
Mark Evans over 5 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Merging ideas and Merged ideas filter needs more options

The merging capability does not go far enough. I'd like an option when I merge ideas to 'hide' the merged idea from the portal, counts, and from list views. This would then provide a better count of outstanding ideas by status. Without this abilit...
Charlene Brennan almost 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

add the idea creator as a watcher on initiative and feature automatically

Idea creator would like to know the progress after an idea is promoted to initiative or feature. It's inefficient to do this manually.
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists

WIKI Formating

Add more formatting options for the WIKI to allow for custom notes with more appeal.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Notes 1 Already exists

Preserve formatting of reports when generating as a PDF

When generating a Notebook in PDF, tables (column spacing, etc.) don't format in the same manner as they do onscreen. The columns appear to all default to even spacing which makes reports harder to consume.
Matt Case almost 8 years ago in Presentations 3 Already exists

Map Zendesk attributes to Aha Idea

Among other attributes tracked in Zendesk, client name is an important factor in understanding the impact of, and reporting on our response to enhancement requests. Without the ability to map these attributes from Zendesk, we will have to manually...
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas portal 5 Already exists