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Add Release or Parking Lot info to Initiative Features

Currently when you open an Initiative, the “Features” section lists all the features in the initiative along with the feature status, but nothing about “when” it is going to be done. That feature grid should have a column showing “Release” to disp...
Guest over 9 years ago in Application 2 Future consideration

Include Last Modified Date to the Idea List view

Created by and Created Date fields are currently available within the Idea List view. Would like to have Last Modified By & Last Modified Date within this view as well.
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists

Allow blocking off time periods when release should not be shipped (promoted to production).

In our operations, we have some periods where no changes are permitted in production. It would be beneficial to add blackout periods so that any release dates within the blackout periods can be highlighted/reported.
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Filter by release phase in feature board, list

We are experimenting with using release phases for contain our sprints (1 to 2 weeks) while the release itself represents several sprints + some extra testing/beta phases. It would be great to be able to filter in the Feature Board, Kaban Board, F...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

My Work > To-do's: Show assigned user in overdue tasks

When managing large users, it would be very useful to see the task's assigned user
Alejandro Blaas over 9 years ago in My work 0 Already exists

Our Product selector list is getting long - would like to see a way to collapse it based on product lines or business groups.

We have different business groups with products in Aha and right now, everyone has to scroll through everyone else's to get to theirs. I would like to see a way for a pop-out or similar that once you hit a Product line, you get a menu of the produ...
Aldon C over 9 years ago in Account settings 1 Already exists

Show all Releases in One Click (Roadmap --> Timeline) and show all in Saved View

Every day that I go into the Roadmap --> Timeline, I have to check to make sure that all releases are enabled, otherwise I run the risk of overlooking a release. In addition to being able to select all releases quickly, I would like the ability...
Guest over 9 years ago in Releases 1 Already exists

Keep Feature time logging and estimates separate values when shipping

At the moment when you moved a feature to shipped then the time recording changes to be the same as the estimate. So for example if I estimated 3 days, actually only took and recorded 2 days when I ship the feature the time taken changes to 3 days...
Nicola Hills over 9 years ago in Features 3 Already exists

Change external release date rounded to week to "week ending 17-Jun"

A release with an external release date that's rounded to a week, shows in the release timeline in the form "Week 29 2015" (see attached). It would be useful for this to be displayed as a "Week ending 17-Jun".
Melissa Hopkins over 9 years ago in Releases 0 Already exists

Kanban in My Work

It would be useful if users (and reviewers) could see their own Kanban board under "My Work"... this way they have a quick access to the status of their work
Alejandro Blaas over 9 years ago in My work 2 Unlikely to implement