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Feature Roadmap - Allow JIRA #/JIRA Link

On the feature roadmap view when I choose to display a feature within a given release, I'd like the ability to also display the JIRA link/JIRA #. Similar to how i'm able to configure if the initiative icon is displayed. That way my technical audie...
Michael Morrison over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Better depict feature/requirement changes in notification email

I often get emails saying that a feature has been updated but there is nothing highlighted in yellow to tell me what has changed so I'm forced to click the link, taking me to the feature in Aha and review the feature's history to see what has chan...
Emily Slattery over 8 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Already exists

We need to be able to set milestone times as well as dates

In our milestones, we have a need to indicate time as well as date. Are there any plans for this?
Dan Curis over 8 years ago in Releases 3 Unlikely to implement

Allow an aha user to delete images from comments posted by other users to the ideas portal.

We find our customers sometimes add screenshots into their comments which contain data which we believe shouldn't be public. For example this could be a screenshot taken from another application or from our application containing the customer's da...
John Hopkin over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Already exists

Make "frequently used" sticky in searchable dropdowns

I was thinking this might be especially useful for teams with many users. I assign to-dos and write comments to the same group of about 5 people. Being able to search and select quickly instead of having to scroll through many is great. But someti...
Molly Jane Quinn over 8 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Add Report Filtering by Feature

I would like to have a report (timeline or pivot) that includes selected features. There are some features, such as technical debt, that don't add value to the display for upper management so I'd like to limit to those that reflect major functiona...
Aldon C over 8 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability for 'product owner' to adjust other users time logged if necessary

Hi Would be a great asset to us if the 'Product Owner' level of access or some kind of admin access had the ability to update/adjust time entered on other users behalf for various reasons such as: another user has logged time against a feature ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Logging time for another Resource in Aha

Currently an Aha User can only log their own time on a Feature Card. As a Project Manager / Admin it would be useful to be able to log time on behalf of another User on the project. All that need be done is add a 'Logged By' Field to the 'Log Time...
Steve Clark over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

As a user I don't want my requirements sent to JIRA (or other integrations) if they're marked as Will not implement

I often mark requirements as "will not implement" in Aha (rather than deleting them) just to keep a trail of requirements we've discussed but decided aren't needed. Then when I push to JIRA from Aha, it brings all requirements for a feature over.....
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 1 Will not implement

As a user I want to have a link to the original epic/feature when I create a copy so I can get back to it

A common workflow for me is to create a copy of an epic from a product partner's project into my own project (i.e. they're developing a hardware feature and there's a need to reflect that feature in my software product). Right now, the copy and mo...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement