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Showing 7745 of 9163

Support the addition of attachments or images

I would share an image with the "attach files" in my idea's description in ideas portal. I can do it but it don't show it.
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Already exists

Provide a stage for new ideas to be reviewed before voting

I'd like the ability for new ideas to be in a state where they can't be voted on until the Admin enables it. This allows the PM team to review the idea and make sure it is understood and that it is truly only one idea and not multiple. We can "kin...
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Update idea ID when changing product

When using the Zendesk widget, occasionally one of my support reps will put an idea under the wrong product in our product line. After I have reclassified the idea under the right product, the ID stays the same which seems to be confusing for supp...
Eric Blackwell over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Will not implement

Feature deselected when modifying in Board view

When you are on the Features page > Board view, you can select a Feature from the long list of features and see the details on the right. When you then change anything on the detail view which affects the 'widget' of the boardview, it reloads t...
Marvin van Dongen over 8 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Bulk Action to delete integration link

Related to: It would be great to have the option to bulk delete integration links for features in Aha. For example when you know the corresponding issues in JIRA don't exist anymore.
Marvin van Dongen over 8 years ago in Features / Integrations 5 Future consideration

Aha should delete the integration link when receiving a delete trigger from a webhook

We have Aha linked to JIRA. When we delete an issue in JIRA, this triggers our Webhook to send a message to Aha. I understand and agree that this should not cause Aha to delete the Feature connected to it for security reasons. But I would expect A...
Marvin van Dongen over 8 years ago in API / Features 8 Future consideration

Add Field on the Main Application Screen for PC Name

Helps the user easily identify the PC name from Fred without having to find the icon in the Taskbar to find the PC Name
Elliott Olver over 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Will not implement

Feature Roadmap - Allow JIRA #/JIRA Link

On the feature roadmap view when I choose to display a feature within a given release, I'd like the ability to also display the JIRA link/JIRA #. Similar to how i'm able to configure if the initiative icon is displayed. That way my technical audie...
Michael Morrison over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Better depict feature/requirement changes in notification email

I often get emails saying that a feature has been updated but there is nothing highlighted in yellow to tell me what has changed so I'm forced to click the link, taking me to the feature in Aha and review the feature's history to see what has chan...
Emily Slattery over 8 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Already exists

We need to be able to set milestone times as well as dates

In our milestones, we have a need to indicate time as well as date. Are there any plans for this?
Dan Curis over 8 years ago in Releases 3 Unlikely to implement