Able to customize the view of the email when an todo is made.
When you assigned a TODO to somebody, an email is sent to this person. Be able to modify the email view when you assigned a TODO. ex: adding the product name in the email....
about 8 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Allow option to mandate comments on change to a feature
As part of our quality system, the reason for changes to features (for example changing a feature from under consideration to in design) should be recorded. It would be useful to automatically allow an option to mandate a comment is added when an ...
I have always like the idea of having a product scorecard that allows you to track product performance... this could be in part manual entry... but having the pragmatic product marketing grid with the ability to make each box Red, Amber or Green w...
Jason Nash
about 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Goals as first class relationship for ideas for reporting
Currently we are using the ideas section of Aha! as an opportunity backlog, e.g. a bunch of ideas that we could do depending on how well they meet our objective key results (goals). I know Aha! is unlikely to implement "Custom fields for any objec...
Wayne Allan
about 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
In Full Screen Mode Provide the Option to see some info from the drawer
As a Product Manager working on complex Features and requirements,
I need the ability to edit in full screen when writing user stories but need the context provided by the Feature title, Goals, and Initiatives as well as Release Name and Tags
so ...
Dan Molloy
about 8 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Custom fields for any object type as related tables in reports
e.g. I create a custom goals field for ideas, I then want to be able to create a report to show the idea with goal name and the goal success metric and time frame.
Wayne Allan
about 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Display Dotted Line Box for Product Initiatives in Portfolio View
In the Portfolio view, Product Line initiatives have a dotted line box to represent the start and end time frame for the initiative but Product initiatives do not have this. Need the ability to view the releases needed to acheive the Product initi...
Tom Abney
about 8 years ago
in Roadmaps
Unlikely to implement
When a product has a lot of releases, it gets tedious to have to scroll to the one you want every time you come back to the Feature_Cards view.
Provide a way to lock or save the location in that screen so you come back to that scroll position eve...
Max Cascone
about 8 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Restrict Access at lower levels of product hierarchy
We need to be able to restrict access at lower levels of a product hierarchy. e.g. Reviewer at BU & Division, Product Owner for Product 1, None for Product 2.
Our hierarchy is BU -> Division -> Product Line -> Product. We want everyon...
Wes Gillette
about 8 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Update idea status to "will not implement" when related story will not be implemented
As a story evolves from an idea, it may be decided that the story is not worth implementing. Currently it doesn't seem that story status changing to "will not implement" will also update the related idea.
about 8 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement