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Idea Submitter has the option to make his/her ideas restricted only to the core company team.

Add a checkmark to allow idea submitter to select if that idea should be open to the general audience or just to restricted teams, even internally to the company.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Unlikely to implement

NDA Disclaimer for platform users

Aha! contains pretty confidential information. Although we want to be fully transparent with employees, this information can't go public. I'd like to have a possibility to create a privacy note and assign different areas (or the whole platform as...
Anton Mamichev almost 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Initiative list view only show next action

On the list view it would be really useful when listing initiatives to be able to show only the next to-do action (with date, assignee, name). Currently adding the to-do to the initiative creates a line for each to-do. Filtering by the dates does ...
John Biltcliffe almost 8 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Releases on starter roadmap view to have a fixed release window (start & end date) instead of expanding according to the feature start/end dates

There are several scenarios where features are pushed to future releases after dev effort started or put on-hold and addressed later. The current starter view shows expands the release start and end dates to the earliest start of a feature and lat...
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy almost 8 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Sync Features with Initiatives in Releases

We currently use the default setup in JIRA where Epics are linked to Initiatives and Stories are linked to Features in Aha. We have a fairly complex release planning process where JIRA versions and Aha 'Releases' do not match up at all. This is be...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Break out Administrator Column in User Administration

In User Administration, there is only a single flag for Administrator in the user list, however there are three administration roles. To find out who is an account administrator you have to check each account. Breaking this out for each administra...
Wes Gillette almost 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to attach document after release is shipped/closed

We do post-launch evaluation after a product is released. I'd like to attach that analysis to the release. Once the status of a release is changed to "Deployed," it's Closed and I cannot attach documents.
Analisa Meyer almost 8 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Close To-dos when feature status category changes to Will Not Do.

As an Aha! user, I do not need to see To Dos that are children of items having a status category of Will Not Do because I no longer have to do it. The To-dos list on the My Work page should suppress such items that, for all intents and purposes, n...
Tom Beck almost 8 years ago in To-dos 0 Unlikely to implement

Bulk Edit Option to Add Users' First and Last Name

Admins will benefit by automating a currently manual process
Guest almost 8 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

Support a custom CNAME for Aha main

I've just custom CNAME for Idea Portal, but I can't custom CNAME to Aha! main
Guest almost 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement