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Ability to Send Custom Field Notfications to Watchers

We would like the ability to send notification based on the content in the field. Ex: If the priority is urgent, send a notification to my manager and all watchers. If the request is not urgent, it will be send to all watchers but NOT my manager. ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to add Milestone & Phases to Starter Roadmap without adding the release

As a Aha user, I want the ability to add individual release phases and milestones to the starter roadmap without having to add it's release, so that I can represent those components against my initiatives.
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Webp export option

Google's Webp is becoming a more common format for export. As it retains the best of both PNG and JPG along with GIF's ability to animate, it is truly a forward-thinking image format. Would be nice to see this added, if only for the optics of bein...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Please reinstate the "+" button on the interface to quickly add features. UI Inconsistent.

It's now two mouse operations to add a feature card to a release instead of one. Changing the UI to include New Feature add in the ReRank dropdown menu doesn't make sense in the UI design. Seems to be a forced add/workaround. Can we (the Users of ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Application 2 Unlikely to implement

Change default font from Helvetica Neue to Helvetica

Helvetica Neue for small characters is just plain annoying to read on my 2013 non-retina iMac (while on my macbook retina I recon it looks good).But just setting everything to Helvetica (with developer tools) improved the user experience a lot, as...
Guest over 7 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Unbundled pricing for Ideas only

Some customers might want to use Ideas, but not use the rest of the product. I only want to pay for what I will use. :)
Guest over 7 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Wildcards for email subdomains should include root domain in Idea portal whitelists

The recent functionality to enable wildcards for subdomains when specifying whitelisted email domains is helpful. However, it doesn't appear that when using the whilecard it includes the root domain. This means I still would need to have company.c...
Guest over 7 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

Please Display the Idea number on the Home Page

When you are on the main home page with all of the ideas listed please display the idea number. This is how a lot of my customers look for things and it would be easier for them when looking for and referencing information. Thanks! -- see attach...
Stephen Morse over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Add "tooltips" for date on hover over days of week when viewing roadmaps.

I currently have to count dates from the first day of the week on the calendar. It would be very useful to add a tooltip with the date to the days of the week on mouse over.
Guest over 7 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Help functionality for new and existing users

Although the Ideas portal is simple and intuitive (in my mind), we're looking to create a world-class customer portal and have gotten feedback that users don't know what to do when they log into the ideas portal. To help with engagement and adopti...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement