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Move to front confirmation to delete comment conversation

What is the challenge? In a note, if you expand an image to a modal pane and then delete a comment conversation on the image, the confirmation to delete the conversation appears behind the image modal pane but remains hidden from the user, who onl...
David 4 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Shipped

Maintain proper estimate time unit when exporting/importing capacity estimates

What is the challenge? Capacity detailed estimates in time can be in minutes, hours, days or weeks. When I bring the detailed estimate field into a list report, it includes the right time unit (ex 8h) but when this is exported to CSV, this field b...
Max Robbins 4 months ago in Application 0 Shipped

Ignore record type prefix on field names when importing to CSV

What is the challenge? CSV import tool expects just the field name for the columns. However when you export from CSV, the export automatically adds the record name i.e. "Feature"/"Release"as a prefix in front of each field name. Because of this pr...
Max Robbins 4 months ago in Application 0 Shipped

Embed Loom videos in a note

What is the challenge? Videos created in Loom need to be shared in a KB. Currently they cannot be embedded directly in a note. What is the impact? The user must download the video from Loom and upload it to Aha! Videos are then stored in two diffe...
Emily Yankush 4 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Shipped

Enable quick reply buttons on idea status change emails

What is the challenge? Automated idea "status change" emails from Aha! contain an option for recipients to quickly reply with "Thanks!" or "Love it!". Clicking takes the user to the idea in the portal and pre-fills the comment box w/ that response...
Brittany Rhoney 4 months ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Allow setting feature record date defaults on workspace templates

It is possible to set default behavior for Features in the "Record dates" section of a workspace or workspace line, choosing between "Enter manually" and "Calculate from releases". In the same settings on a workspace template, "Features" are not i...
Maria Plotkina 4 months ago in Account settings 2 Shipped

Filter Ideas by Last Vote Date

What is the challenge? I want to find & purge old / stagnant ideas that are no longer relevant or trending. I want the ability to filter by when the last vote on an idea was in order to find old ideas. What is the impact? I cannot find or filt...
Eliza Crawford 4 months ago in Ideas 1 Shipped

Set up multiple authentication methods to access the same knowledge base

What is the challenge? Currently it is possible to configure (SSO) for KB's but only one SSO, which makes it difficult to share a KB with multiple internal or external groups. What is the impact? This is confusing our internal users and a potentia...
Simone Bilton 4 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Shipped

Maintain the connector type selection when assigning an alignment

What is the challenge? When assigning an alignment on a connector in a whiteboard, the type of the connector defaults back to the angled one instead of maintaining the previously selected (e.g. straight, smooth flow) What is the impact? Mainly ann...
Evgenios E 4 months ago in Whiteboards 3 Shipped

"Owners" field in workspace reports

What is the challenge? It can be difficult for users to find the correct person to give them access to a workspace. What is the impact? Users will often ask the admin team for access to specific workspaces, instead of the workspace Owners. When th...
David I. 4 months ago in Reports 1 Shipped