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Separate Employee & Client Visibility in the Ideas Portal

When my co-workers submit their product gripes on our internal ideas portal, I want it to be internally visible only by default.
Ross Reynolds (External) almost 10 years ago in User management 6 Already exists

Ability to add idea submitters as watchers on features in the roadmap.

My idea submitters do not show up in the list of watchers for features. This is a major issue for me because I wont be able to notify them of changes to something they are interested in.
J. Mile almost 10 years ago in Features 2 Already exists

Feature list with rank editing to force-rank features against one another

Scorecards are great, but they do not let me easily rank features against one another. A traditional way to do this is the "pairwise matrix". This breaks ties between features that have similar scorecard ranks. A forced rank list lets me communica...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 2 Already exists

I need a way to compare versions of Features/Requirements in a Release

Before pushing a release to Jira, we do reviews of Features/Requirements with engineering. This may happen several times and we end up with multiple versions of the Release details. This makes it hard to compare the difference between the old and ...
Aldon C almost 10 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

Add Feature Lists to Releases/Details/Progress view by sprint

When reviewing the feature burndown (Progress), I would like to see a listing of features completed, upscoped, downscoped in a list form rather then having to hover over the segments on the chart. While hovering is a great feature, it does not all...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Releases 3 Already exists

Default "New User" permissions

If a user logs in using the Google authentication for the first time, what will he/she be. Product Owner? Reviewer? Or something else. How can an admin setup the default role for new users. It will be great if this feature can be provided to admin...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Notebook names

Notebooks created by user should be rename-able.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Presentations 3 Already exists

External dependencies in Gantt Chart

There is a requirement that seems to be missing in Aha!. I would like to create a dependency between Goal 1 of Release 1 of Product A that is dependent on Release 1 of Product B so that the external dependency shows on the Gantt Chart.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Dependencies / Roadmaps 2 Already exists

Display the Feature/Requirement name when hovering over a hashtag link

after embedding a hashtag link to a Feature or Requirement, I'd like to see the name of it when I hover my mouse over the link. The requirement number that gets embedded isn't always helpful to know what it refers to without going there.
Aldon C almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

"Expand all comments" option for To-dos.

Add an "expand all comments" option for To-dos under Feature List card details.
Guest almost 10 years ago in To-dos 0 Already exists