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Return raw value changes in /api/v1/audits

What it looks now: { "audits": [ { "changes": [ { "field_name": "Assigned to user", "value": "Default assignee → Anton Aha", } ] } ]} Proposal: { "audits": [ { "changes": [ { "field_name": "Assigned to user", "value": "Default assignee &a...
Anton Kuzmenko over 1 year ago in API 0 Unlikely to implement

Feature linked to multiple epics

Create ability for a feature to support multiple epics across workspaces. This will allow a single team that's working on a single feature that supports multiple epics across multiple teams. Currently we have multiple teams enabling a feature and ...
Steven Schafer over 1 year ago in Features 5 Unlikely to implement

Bug? Promote to Feature, Delete, then can no longer Promote to Feature

Is the following a bug? Promoted an Idea to Feature, then (still) on Idea page, delete the promoted Feature. Now, can no longer Promote to a Feature, but promotion UI drop-down provides two options to promote to Epic.
Guest over 1 year ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

User Management moved from Main Menu to Product line settings

I have to manage more than 100+ users on a regular basis in Aha!. With the latest change, the Users tab has been moved to Product Line/Product which is adding to number of clicks everytime to add/manage/remove users. To add to the pain, there is n...
Prasad GVS almost 2 years ago in User management 1 Unlikely to implement

Add ability to reference 'Created by email domain' in worksheet fields for ideas

It would be helpful to include the 'Created by email domain' in worksheet equations so that we could evaluate if an idea was created by an internal or external domain.
Kristina Gass almost 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Provide the ability to dynamically drill down into a initiative to show the features when sharing a roadmap as a webpage

We are trying to use our roadmaps to communicate upcoming work to the rest of our organization. We are developing our strategic roadmaps in Aha and sharing them in confluence as webpages. Many of our users want to track feature within our initiati...
Guest about 2 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to assign more than one person to a feature

Ability to assign more than one person to a feature would be helpful since often there are multiple people working on a project / feature, so it would be easier for other people to see who's responsible for a feature, and easier for each of the as...
Guest over 2 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Allow Workspace Owners to Manage their own Ideas Portals

Right now ideas portals can only be created and managed by admins. Workspace owners cannot create an ideas portal or manage the portal for their workspace. As a workspace owner I should at least be able to create and manage ideas portals that are ...
Jacob Papka over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability for Contributors to Add free seats only

We want to allow contributors to be able to add users as 'free seats' in the Menu: Info > Users. Use Case: A contributor clicks on 'User' button to select either A) an existing user or B) add a new user 'email' as a free seat
Mike Jacobson over 2 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Auto-Update Release Phases in Template to New Release

Once a template with release phases is created, the release phases in that template will automatically adjust their dates to fit within the date range of a release using the template.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Releases 2 Unlikely to implement