Inherit from Product line hierarchy for Weekly summary email
This is a really good new feature, but I would like to be able to manage configure at the product group level so I didn't have to go into each product and configure each user. Lots of clicking needed if you're managing lots of products.
Product di...
almost 10 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Custom Fields: Automatically linking the values of one field to be published in the linked field
I have created a custom field in features which links to persona’s. I am able to add the relevant persona’s for the product. The drop down shows the correct products to choose from. Similarly, I have created a custom field in persona’s linked to f...
Project Parker
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
Reviewers should be able to copy features into products they own
As a product owner, I should be able to to copy any feature of which I am a reviewer into any product that I am product owner or contributor on. I may want to reuse majority of the feature for my product, and make slight tweaks without needing to ...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
when copying features also copy comments associated with that feature
would be helpful for most users.....seems like it would be a simple tweak since you are able to copy comments today...but the comments don't copy over.
almost 8 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
Highlight the selected item in the list that is displayed in the panel
When working through a list of ideas, features, or initiatives it is easy to lose your place and re-click on the item you just had open. The item that is selected on the left area of the screen from the list, and which is displayed in the panel on...
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Will not implement
As an Aha! user, I would like to rearrange the order of the reports shown in the tile view of the Reports Dashboard. Upon close inspection, I see the "cross-hairs" that allow me to drag-n-drop a tile but it seems to be limited to sorting into fold...
Tom Beck
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Will not implement
When a feature has a record link created to it that ties it to another feature, there is the Record Links section which shows the dependencies (depends on, contains, etc.)
Well, it doesn't appear that we can see who has linked what records to what...
almost 8 years ago
in Features
Will not implement
I need a way to distinguish between ideas that have not been scored and those with 0 score. Today the system automatically defaults to 0 (instead of blank) and I'm not sure whether the calculated score is 0 or if the idea was scored at all.
Melissa Johnson
about 8 years ago
in Ideas
Will not implement
Pop up messages.Priority messages on both GoTrex and Webagent
It would be good to be able to place a 'Post it note' or priority message on both systems when a client has made an important request (eg, please do not discuss my claim/sensitive information with my employer/broker/family) It would be really usef...
over 8 years ago
in Voting
Will not implement
Categorical values, such as in a custom field with a pre-defined choice list, are by default sorted alphabetically in reports. However, in many instances there's a preferred or implicit ordering of categorical values. For example, the sequence "co...
Matt Case
almost 9 years ago
in Reports
Will not implement