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My votes: Backlogs

Showing 15 of 8919

Direct action to 'send to prioritized backlog' from Roadmaps feature

What is the challenge? I manage features in monthly releases and parking lots in Roadmaps. We also use Develop for sprint planning. I often need to move a feature to the prioritized backlog in Develop when I am working from the Roadmaps features b...
Todd Meyer 3 months ago in Backlogs / Sprints 0 Likely to implement

Stop remembering my last search on the "Backlog management" page

What is the challenge? Every time I navigate to the Develop > Team > Backlog management page, the page is blank. It's blank because the page is remembering the last search I made. What is the impact? It's confusing. Takes me a minute to real...
Nathaniel Collum 5 months ago in Backlogs / Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to search prioritized backlog from Backlog Management UI

Sometimes the prioritized backlog gets quite long, so from the backlog management screen, it would be helpful if the search applied to that as well instead of just the 'Product Work' and 'Engineering Work' sections. I use search functions almost e...
Guest about 1 year ago in Backlogs / Search 0 Future consideration

Aha Develop: Show Prioritized Backlog changes in history

We use the Prioritized Backlog as part of our workflow in Aha Develop, records going from parking lots ("Engineering Work") or Roadmaps ("Product Work") into the Prioritized Backlog as they are refined and become ready.It would be really helpful i...
Jeff Tucker about 1 year ago in Backlogs / Features 0 Future consideration

Automation - Populate Team on existing Requirement from Feature

We create features and their requirements before assigning to a team to execute the work. We would like automation to auto-assign any existing requirements to the same team if a team is set at the feature level.
Judith Kilthau about 1 year ago in Backlogs / Features 0 Future consideration

Formatting issues with description with html tags for csv import

When importing my tickets into Aha Develop via the "import with csv" option, I have some issues with the formatting. With no formatting, the new line character "\n" is completely missing. (Please see no_space.png). If I try to replace the "\n" wit...
Ravisha G over 1 year ago in Backlogs / Features 0 Future consideration

Filter and sort the Develop Ideas importer by custom field

When using the Ideas importer in Develop, we can currently filter by status, category, and portal. It would be helpful to filter and sort by a custom field on the idea record as well.
Tom O'Connor almost 2 years ago in Backlogs 0 Future consideration

Unique team layout for epics

Aha! Develop allows teams to have a unique layout for features and requirements. This helps them see the information they need for development, while hiding the information they don't. Please support this for epics as well.
Jeff Tucker about 2 years ago in Backlogs / Epic 0 Future consideration

Aha! Develop: Customize the "Engineering work" heading in Backlog Management

We use Aha! Develop for a variety of teams and use cases. These are not always engineering teams, so we'd like the flexibility to customize this heading.
Dale Potter about 2 years ago in Backlogs 1 Future consideration

Way too difficult to bulk select / bulk delete in aha develop

The mechanism to bulk select / delete on any work view in aha develop is far too out of sight. - no indication on where to perform this task - falls out of line with roadmaps as the list view does not contain the bulk edit button as it switches to...
Guest over 2 years ago in Backlogs 0 Future consideration