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Knowledge base

Showing 77

Links to a Specific Heading on a Different Page Not Always Working

What is the challenge? A given link on page A is supposed to take the user to a specific heading on page B. Clicking the link displays page B but not to the heading. What is the impact? Users are not taken to the correct information when clicking ...
David Yelenchic 5 days ago in Knowledge base 1 Already exists

Reduce the Amount of Time for the "Publish" Button to Appear

What is the challenge? Towards the end of a documentation project, many quick, minor edits are usually made on multiple pages. We have to wait 15 seconds for the Publish button to become available after the change. What is the impact? Wasted time ...
David Yelenchic 5 days ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Add bulk export options to Aha Knowledge

What is the challenge? Aha! Knowledge has limited export options (esp bulk exports), making it difficult to back up or repurpose content. What is the impact? Lack of export functionality limits backups and content sharing options. Describe your id...
Jeremy Bruno 20 days ago in Knowledge base 2 Future consideration

Format painter in description/summary fields

What is the challenge? We use Aha for a lot of our product documentation. There is a lot of copy/pasting and some documents end up looking very disjointed. Individually fixing each secion is very time consuming. A format painter option, similar to...
Stephanie Sullivan 21 days ago in Knowledge base 1 Future consideration

Make the Preview button available for all users with edit access to Aha Knowledge

What is the challenge? We have editors working in Aha! Knowledge that would like to use the Preview button even if they don't have access to publishing, but the two seemed to be tied. What is the impact? Allows all editors to get a look at what th...
Jeremy Bruno 6 days ago in Knowledge base 0 Likely to implement

Drag & Drop for Callout Boxes

What is the challenge? I want to include a callout box in a numbered list, but I can't. It's either making the whole list a callout box or when copying a callout box it's just taking the sentence, but not the box What is the impact? I cannot use c...
Michele Voth 6 days ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

bullet points in callout boxes

What is the challenge? sometimes I have big callout boxes with a bulleted list, but it's not possible to include a bulleted list in there, just in front What is the impact? it would look more organized Describe your idea have the option of a bulle...
Michele Voth 6 days ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Enable borders around images in Knowledge

What is the challenge? Images, especially screenshots, often have white space What is the impact? Enhanced Viewing Experience Describe your idea Having a border option, similar to office application would enhance the look of the image without havi...
Steve C about 1 month ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Preview before download

linked documents will be downloaded directly What is the impact? user might not like this Describe your idea before the download the linked document could be shown in a preview window. Where they can then click Download
Michele Voth 10 days ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Usage analytics for published Knowledge bases

What is the challenge? There are no statistics on how many users have visited published knowledge base and which pages they have viewed What is the impact? Showing usage enables PO/PM justify the additional subscription for Aha Knowledge and knowi...
Steve C 3 months ago in Knowledge base 2 Likely to implement