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Highlight aging work on the Develop Team Board

What is the challenge? It's great that we have way of showing how long items have been in a column but it you have to look at every record to find the old ones. What is the impact? Some stalled work gets missed Describe your idea Add a feature to ...
Mike Lowery 2 months ago in Sprints 0 Already exists

Create a 'Sprint' field

I would like the ability to create, assign and manage sprints within a release, and link features to the sprint. Currently, I set sprints up as Phases within a release to do this. The issues with this workaround are: I cannot link a Phase from Aha...
Guest over 2 years ago in Sprints 2 Already exists

Aha Develop - Ability to see Completed Sprints

Currently cannot go back and see the completed Sprints, once an active Sprint is flagged as "Complete Sprint". Need this for sizing reference and auditing of retrospectives and other info in the Sprint Theme. In the attached example we completed s...
Clark Milner almost 3 years ago in Sprints 4 Already exists