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Showing 25

Show multiple pages of a mockup in the image viewer

Currently, when you create a mockup with multiple pages, only the first page is visible in the image viewer. The only way to get around this today is to create multiple mockup files. I would like the ability to show all pages of a single mockup in...
Ron Yang over 7 years ago in Mockups 9 Will not implement

Make mockup able to link to more than one feature/release/requirement

I made a mockup today under the naive impression I could easily link other requirements or features to it. Giving the users the ability to link other requirements or features to the same mock up would be nice when you have several screen states or...
Guest about 7 years ago in Mockups 4 Will not implement

Clone a mockup

I'd like to be able to clone an existing mockup diagram, so that I can quickly do A/B variations of an idea.
Guest about 7 years ago in Mockups 2 Will not implement

Import export of MS visio diagrams into mockup

Process where existing MS Visio drawings can be imported into Mockup. I have a lot of existing visio drawiing that I would like to incorporate into AHA, would be useful to allow everyone to be able to modify these within the project rather than ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Mockups 4 Will not implement

Allow a user to create and Save their own custom Shapes, Menus, etc in Mockups

Allow a user to create and Save their own custom Shapes, Menus, etc in the mockups section.
Guest over 6 years ago in Mockups 0 Will not implement

Mockup templates

Many teams use consistent patterns in how they build their UI and UX. In other tools, you can simplify the process by creating reusable assets, such as templates. For example, a template for a "Create new..." screen.
Jennifer Briden about 3 years ago in Mockups 0 Future consideration

Save a mockup shape and a group of shapes

We've created shapes that are specific to our implementation. We'd like to save them to share with the team. And create a group.
Pamela Thomas over 4 years ago in Mockups 0 Future consideration

Synchronise mockups to other integrations

Currently, when a mockup is updated or deleted, the file does not stay in sync with an integrated system. Ideally, the same mockup file would continue to get updated across the systems.
Toray Altas about 7 years ago in Application / Integrations / Mockups 1 Unlikely to implement

Reorder mockups inside features or requirements

Mockups are a great way to tell a user story. While developing new features, mockups are not always designed in the best order to tell that story. To improve this interaction, it should be possible to reorder the order of the mockups inside a fea...
Guest about 7 years ago in Mockups 0 Will not implement

In Mockup it would be useful to link a shape or point in a flow to a User/Job Story

When creating a process or diagram if you could insert a link of requirement number using # reference function in the Edit Link function, which will either take you into the Requirement if clicked or pop up the Requirement Name when you hover. It ...
Kelly Jaques over 4 years ago in Mockups 1 Future consideration