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My votes: Search

Showing 14

Looks like search in top navigation is broken

Who would benefit? Everyone What impact would it make? Make me happy How should it work? As before
Guest about 1 year ago in Search 1 Already exists

Add a Search URL to support Chrome Search Engines

For all of my commonly used web applications (JIRA, Salesforce, Confluence) the search results are on a page with a specific URL. This allows me to create a Chrome 'search engine' so I can search without first navigating to the app. For example, I...
Michael Prescott almost 3 years ago in Search 2 Already exists

Ability to quickly search for Ideas or Features while on a List View similar to the method on the Feature Board

As a product owner I want the ability to quickly filter a List View by using a "Search features" or "Search ideas" field similar to what already exists on the existing Aha Feature Board. This enhancement will allow me to quickly search for Feature...
Karla Johnson over 3 years ago in Search 0 Already exists

Include Initiatives in the scope of default search instead of making user select "Search all content..."

Currently only the Release, Master Feature, and Feature object types are returned in the search results (upper right). User doesn't get hits on Initiatives unless they "search all content." I search for initiative quite a lot and this extra step t...
Perri-Anne Sims almost 6 years ago in Search 0 Already exists

Filter Search by Product

We try to standardize common MRD and use cases throughout all of our products. Which Aha supports well through the ability to copy features/master features from one release to another. The problem comes though when searching (using the basic mag...
Michael Faust almost 6 years ago in Search 1 Already exists

Global search on all data

Global search is really a valuable help especially in our case where we have some history and where we handle a lot of information. The problem is that all information is not indexed. For example we have created a tag on ideas. The latter carries ...
Guest about 6 years ago in Search 0 Already exists

Ensure search results are unique, with no dupicates

Currently when I search for a key word the same record is shown multiple times in the search results (as explained here, the results are triggered by the search term being found in different parts of the same record). This makes the search results...
Alex Horan over 7 years ago in Search 0 Already exists

Improve filters for ease-of-use and increased user productivity

Problem We use filters a lot, but they are super clunky, requiring multiple clicks to change the filter, and with some Internet latency b/w the clicks the UX suffers even more. This slows us (me) down. Combining of the filter field selection with ...
Stefan Tzanev over 7 years ago in Reports / Search 1 Already exists

Search within a filtered list

The global search is nice, but it would be helpful to be able to search on a list that I have already filtered. As a product manager I am responsible for certain categories and would like to search within those categories only that I have filtered...
Guest over 7 years ago in Search 1 Already exists

Search to better help understand status of a search term

Often I'll search for a term intending to find a corresponding feature or idea. When the results appear, I see both ideas that have already been converted into features, as well as features that have already been shipped. I think it would support ...
Guest about 8 years ago in Search 0 Already exists