Find all ideas voted on by someone from a specific email domain
When preparing for a face to face meeting with a customer it's useful to know as much as possible about enhancements they have requested. In order to to that I need a way to find all ideas voted on by someone from the customers email domain.
Tobias Lehtipalo
over 8 years ago
in Search
Currently, when I enter a search term it does not appear to search tags that have been applied to features. I'd like to be able to see a list of all features that have the tag I'm searching for. Ideally I'd be able to search at any product level a...
As a user of Aha!, I would like the cursor to jump to the new search field when I click the search icon in the upper, right-hand corner, so that I don't have to click twice each time I want to search for something. Previously, there was just the s...
Ability to search for special characters with Aha! search
We would like to be able to search for terms like "AT&T" in the search box in the upper right corner of the platform successfully. This will preview some results, but then when you submit a search there will be no results. Same results with si...
We have quite a few users in our Aha instance and the lack of search capabilities in the assigned user filter makes it a hassle everytime I want to search for all epics or ideas assigned to a particular user.
Tobias Lehtipalo
over 8 years ago
in Search
When running a global search (/) and entering a phrase, matching orgs should be returned. It should also be possible to use filter by organization as a record type.
Brian Trombley
almost 4 years ago
in Search
Use case: I use personal notes to organize my own thoughts. I want to be able to find them quickly in the search modal. Idea: Make it easier to search personal notes and whiteboards in the search modal