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226 VOTE

Custom fields for to-dos

IT would be great to have custom field support for to-dos. We use the to do to priortise the tasks between the team, if we had a custom field, this would make sorting and reporting easier. A Comments field against to dos would also be really hel...
Guest over 8 years ago in To-dos 33 Shipped
146 VOTE

Recurring To-do

Some of our to-dos need to be completed weekly - could we have an option to set a reoccurrence for a to do?
Guest over 8 years ago in To-dos 11 Shipped

Allow To-do's to be moved

I often create to do's while on calls and sometimes its not always clear / easy to assign them to an epic right away. Or, the to-do is to find out if the to-do should really be a to-do ;-) and once confirmed it is, needs moved to a epic.
Guest over 6 years ago in To-dos 11 Shipped

Automatically add description from work request when accepting and promoting

When I create a work request, I add the details to the description field, and when it's accepted and promoted to an issue type, I would like to see the two description fields mapped so the content is easily accessible on a single screen that can t...
Nerissa Muijs over 2 years ago in My work / To-dos 1 Shipped

Improve the loading speed of the "Assigned to" field for work requests, approvals, and to-dos

What is the challenge? Improve the loading speed of the "Assigned to" field for work requests, approvals, and to-dos What is the impact? We have a ton of workspaces. Whenever we make a work request, it takes about 5 seconds for the "assignee to" f...
Nathaniel Collum 5 months ago in To-dos 0 Shipped

Bulk import To-Do's with CSV

I often add a lot of To-Do's(more than 30!). Therefore I would like to import To-Do's from CSV.
Guest over 7 years ago in To-dos 9 Shipped

Enhance To-do's

Some enhancements for to-do's: If a to-do is created directly (i.e. created outside a feature/initiative/...), it would be useful to be able to subsequently associate that with a particular feature/initiative/... without having to create another ...
Guest almost 7 years ago in To-dos 6 Shipped

Ability to move todos and approvals to different records

Currently there is no obvious way of moving todo's and approvals from one record to another. While there is the ability to copy and delete todo's it would be great if there was a way of moving it from one record to another. This would help use cas...
Niall Gallagher over 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Shipped

Add Custom Fields to To-Do Card Customization

What is the challenge? Unable to add Custom Fields to To-Do Cards What is the impact? Unable to display the data in a To-Do Custom Field on a Calendar View Describe your idea Add Custom Fields to the To-Do Card Customization (Or to The Calendar Ca...
Lorena Connolly 6 months ago in To-dos 0 Shipped

Integrate the Aha To Dos with the Outlook Calendar

Would be very helpful to be able to manage the Aha To Dos and have the visibility of the Aha To Dos on the Outlook Calendar.
cheryl fetchko over 8 years ago in To-dos 5 Shipped